

Modulation of Social Information Processing on Pupil Size and Its Mechanisms
摘要 瞳孔大小作为反映个体心理状态的窗口在社会互动中担任着重要的角色。除了非社会性信息(如刺激物理属性等因素)加工被发现影响瞳孔大小变化之外,越来越多的文献指出,瞳孔大小与个体社会信息加工之间也存在密切关系。基于此,本文系统综述了社会性刺激(如面孔和生物运动)本身以及社会性刺激含有的情绪信息对于瞳孔大小的影响,总结出瞳孔大小变化不仅可以反映个体对社会信息的感知,同样可以体现个体对更为复杂的社会互动情境的加工。这种社会性信息加工相关的瞳孔大小变化主要涉及个体的情绪唤醒和社会性注意过程。此外,对于自闭症谱系患者这一在社会互动中存在障碍的特殊群体,有关研究发现其对社会性刺激存在异常的瞳孔反应模式。这一特异性为进一步采用瞳孔指标对自闭症进行早期诊断提供了支持,具有重要的理论和实践意义。 Pupil size,as a window into the minds of others,plays a crucial role in social interaction.While previous studies have focused on the influence of non-social factors,such as the physical properties of stimuli,on pupil diameter,recent research has emphasized the significant connection between social information processing and pupil size.In this comprehensive review,we aim to explore how the processing of social stimuli(e.g.,face,biological motion)and their emotional characteristics affect pupil size.In essence,pupil size is believed to reflect an individual’s perception of social stimuli.It goes beyond simple physical properties and encompasses the processing of complex social information,including social contexts and interactions.The modulation of pupil size in response to social stimuli is believed to be driven by two key mechanisms:emotional arousal and social attention.When individuals encounter emotionally charged social cues,their pupils tend to dilate,indicating heightened emotional engagement.Similarly,the dilation of pupils when individuals focus on specific social cues suggests an increased allocation of cognitive resources to process relevant social information.Furthermore,the connection between pupil size and social information processing has provided intriguing findings in individuals with autism spectrum disorder(ASD).Known for their significant social deficits,individuals with ASD exhibited abnormal pupillary responses when presented with social stimuli.These findings raise the possibility of utilizing pupillary responses as a potential index for identifying individuals with ASD at a relatively younger age.Moreover,the incorporation of pupillary response measurements in the diagnosis holds great promise in transcending the limitations of the minimum diagnostic age.This can have important implications both in terms of theoretical understanding and practical applications related to the diagnosis and intervention of ASD.
作者 葛乙平 李硕 王莉 蒋毅 GE Yi-ping;LI Shuo;WANG Li;JIANG Yi(State Key Laboratory of Brain and Cognitive Science,CAS Center for Excellence in Brain Science and Intelligence Technology,Institute of Psychology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China;Department of Psychology,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China)
出处 《生物化学与生物物理进展》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期858-872,共15页 Progress In Biochemistry and Biophysics
基金 科技部科技创新2030-“脑科学与类脑研究”重大项目(2021ZD0203800,2022ZD0205100) 国家自然科学基金(31830037) 中国科学院先导专项(XDB32010300) 中央高校基本科研业务费资助。
关键词 瞳孔大小 社会信息加工 社会性刺激 情绪 自闭症 pupil size social information processing social stimuli emotion autism
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