

Developing the New Quality Productivity:Responses and Reflections on the Discipline of Information Resource Management
摘要 作为高级化的生产力,新质生产力(New Quality Productive Forces)以科技创新为引领、战略性新兴产业和未来产业为主要载体,依靠创新驱动实现了符合高质量发展要求的生产力的跃升,也是数字时代更具融合性、更体现新内涵的生产力。作为新时代经济发展的重要引擎,其内涵特征、发展路径、机遇与挑战等问题值得进一步探讨。为此本刊邀请了7位专家组织了本次笔谈。1)新质生产力与高质量数据资源建设的逻辑与路径:深入探讨了高质量数据资源建设的时代背景与内涵特征,分析了高质量数据资源与新质生产力发展之间的相互促进的内在逻辑。提出高质量数据资源建设需践行创新、协同、开放、可信和可持续的建设理念,遵循观念创新、模式创新、结构创新和技术创新的建设策略,从而全面提升数据资源管理和利用效率并推动新质生产力发展。2)数据要素赋能新质生产力的发展:数据要素与新质生产力之间呈现出深刻的辩证关系,在相辅相成的螺旋式上升中加速开拓经济社会发展新局面。揭示了数据要素赋能新型优质生产能力及其要素发展的主要路径与关键保障,指出应以人机协同、普惠共享、绿色智能为目标拓展新质生产能力与生产要素,推动经济社会可持续发展。3)推进新质生产力视域下的数据确权:数据从技术、要素与产业维度都能作用于新质生产力,加快推进新质生产力的形成。提出发挥数据要素对新质生产力乘数效应会涉及众多维度、层面及阶段,其中极为重要且基础的则是如何对数据进行确权。总结出构建契合数据特征及新质生产力发展规律的财产权理论、加快厘清数据确权的类型及范围、完善数据确权配套制度等加快推进新质生产力的举措。4)以中国式数字化助力中国式现代化行稳致远:加快推动中国式数字化,既是实现中国式现代化的必由之路,又是新形势下充分释放新质生产力、筑牢我国非对称竞争优势的核心抓手。提出了在我国数字化、信息化进程中,信息资源管理行业发挥着至关重要的作用,承担着数字化转型的重要责任。5)新质生产力视域下公共图书馆的价值与使命:面对社会深刻的数智化转型,公共图书馆需要进一步发挥在数字经济领域赋能于民众的潜能,使其在新质生产力发展中发挥积极作用。提出公共图书馆应积极主动地成为数据市场化的积极参与者,促进数据要素的有效利用和资源配置的高效性,并通过开放获取和数字化服务使其更为开放。6)新质生产力视域下大学图书馆的智慧化变革:作为推动科教兴国的重要力量,大学图书馆更应着力于如何有效支持科技创新和人才培养以推动新质生产力发展。阐述了大学图书馆对于新质生产力的3个关键词的理解,分析了大学图书馆发展新质生产力的关键“新”技术环境及其适用性分析,并提出重新认识和实现图书馆智慧化是发展新质生产力的重要抓手。7)为加快发展新质生产力提供信息资源管理学科支撑:从信息资源管理学科视角分析了新质生产力理念兴起下学科“有所为”的诸多方面,包括理论体系、信息资源保障、信息分析与咨询、场景打造、知识科普与公民素养培育等。与新质生产力相关的学术评价、信息政策、知识产权、数字消费行为等方向的内容也是学科需要关注的重要方向。 The scientific connotation,strategic considerations and practical ways of"new quality productive forces"have received wide attention from the political,academic and industrial circles.Cultivating and developing new quality productive forces means fundamentally changing the mode of production.It is necessary to grasp the practical direction of new quality productive forces from their scientific connotation and internal logic,and explore the scientific way of cultivating and developing the new quality productive forces from China's national conditions.As an important engine of economic development in the new era,its connotation characteristics,development path,opportunities and challenges are worthy of further discussion.For this reason,seven experts were invited to share their perspectives.1)The deep logic and realization path of the construction of new quality productive forces and high-quality data resources.This paper discusses in depth the background and connotation characteristics of the high-quality data resources,and analyzes the internal logic of the mutual promotion between high-quality data resources and the development of new quality productivity.It is proposed that the construction of high-quality data resources must implement the concepts of innovation,coordination,openness,credibility and sustainability,and follow the construction strategies of concept innovation,model innovation,structural innovation and technological innovation.2)The theoretical logic and practical path of data elements empowering new quality productive forces.In the new era of green and intelligent development,there is a profound dialectical relationship between data elements and new quality productive forces,and a new situation of economic and social development is accelerated in the spiral ascent of complementarity.We should comprehensively build a data space governance model with clear data ownership,smooth data path,guaranteed data quality and orderly and standardized algorithm computing power,expand new quality production capacity and production factors with the goal of human-machine cooperation and promote sustainable economic and social development.3)Accelerating the promotion of data rights.Data can act on new quality productive forces from the technical,factor and industrial dimensions,and accelerate the formation of new quality productive forces.The multiplier effect of data elements on new quality productive forces will involve many dimensions,levels and stages,the most important and fundamental of which is how to determine the ownership of data.The measures for speeding up the promotion of new quality productive forces are discussed,such as constructing the theory of property rights in accordance with the characteristics of data and the law of development of new quality productive forces,speeding up the clarification of the types and scope of data confirmation,and improving the supporting system of data confirmation.4)Promoting China's modernization path with Chinese-style digitization.Accelerating the promotion of Chinese-style digitization is not only the only way to realize Chinese-style modernization,but also the core to fully release new quality productive forces and build China's asymmetric competitive advantage under the new situation.It is suggested that in the process of digitalization and informatization in China,the information resource management industry plays a vital role and bears the important responsibility of digital transformation.5)Interpreting the mission of public libraries from the perspective of new quality productive forces.Since its establishment,public libraries have been based on the concept of enlightenment.Faced with the profound digital transformation of society,today's public libraries need to further develop the potential of empowering the people in the field of digital economy and make them play an active role in the development of new quality productive forces.Public libraries need to further develop their potential to empower people in the field of digital economy,so that they can play an active role in the development of new quality productive forces.They should actively participate in data commercialization,promote the effective use of data elements and the efficiency of resource allocation,and enable more people to obtain and use data elements equally through open access and digital services.6)The intelligent transformation of university libraries from the perspective of new quality productive forces.In the process of developing new quality productive forces,we should fully understand the profound meaning of new productive forces,based on the core tasks of providing a strong guarantee for the development of new quality productive forces in higher education,grasp the development opportunities,and realize the high-quality development of the industry.This paper explains the understanding of university libraries on the three key words of new quality productive forces,and proposes that the re-understanding and realization of library intelligence is an important starting point for the development of new productive forces.7)To support information resource management discipline to accelerate the development of new quality productive forces.From the perspective of information resource management discipline,this paper analyzes several aspects of"doing something"under the rise of new quality productivity concept,including theoretical system,information resource guarantee,information analysis and consultation,scenario building,knowledge popularization and civic literacy cultivation.The content of academic evaluation,information policy,intellectual property rights,digital consumption behavior and other directions related to new quality productivity are also important directions that the discipline needs to pay attention to.
作者 夏义堃 蒋洁 张夏恒 王建冬 周文杰 杨新涯 李阳 XIA Yikun;JIANG Jie;ZHANG Xiaheng;WANG Jiandong;ZHOU Wenjie;YANG Xinya;LI Yang(Data Management Innovation Research Center,Nanjing University,Suzhou 215163;School of Law and Politics,Nanjing University of Information Science&Technology,Nanjing 210044;China Institute of Digital Trade,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310014;Price Monitoring Center,National Development and Reform Commission,Beijing 100037;School of Information Resources Management,Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872;Publicity Department of the Party Committee,Chongqing University,Chongqing 400044;School of Information Management,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023;Data Intelligence and Cross Innovation Laboratory,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023)
出处 《农业图书情报学报》 2024年第1期4-32,共29页 Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“基于数智融合的信息分析方法创新与应用研究”(22&ZD326) 江苏省社会科学基金重点项目“数字技术支撑的新流行病风险管控机制研究”(20SHA001) 教育部人文社科规划基金项目“区块链智能合约的潜在风险及其法律规制研究”(20YJA820015) 宿迁市泗洪县委宣传部“习近平总书记关于新质生产力重要论述的生成渊源、丰富内涵与实践要求研究”(H20240024) 国家哲学社会科学基金一般项目“跨境电商推进我国数字贸易强国建设机制与路径研究”(22BJY014) 国家社会科学基金重大项目“文化遗产智慧数据资源建设与服务研究”子课题“国家文化大数据体系发展战略中的文化遗产数据资源体系”(21&ZD335) 国家自然科学基金面上项目“循证信息贫困研究”(72374170) 国家社会科学基金一般项目“询证社会科学背景下的图书馆学研究方法变革研究”(21BTQ039) 国家社会科学基金一般项目“数智赋能的重大突发公共事件预测型情报服务机制研究”(22BTQ051)。
关键词 新质生产力 中国式数字化 数据资源管理 信息资源管理 数据要素 智慧图书馆 高质量发展 new quality productive forces Chinese-style digitization data resource management information resource management data elements smart libraries high-quality development
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