
海拔对漾濞泡核桃果实经济性状和主要脂肪酸的影响 被引量:2

Effects of altitude on economic characteristics and major fatty acids of Juglans sigillata cv.Yanbipao fruit
摘要 【目的】研究不同海拔对云南主栽核桃品种漾濞泡核桃果实经济性状和主要脂肪酸的影响,揭示其果实形态及营养成分的变异情况,进而明确该品种的最佳适生栽培区及开发应用提供理论基础。【方法】以漾濞泡核桃为试材,在云南省漾濞县从海拔1500 m起,每上升100 m海拔进行核桃果实采样,测定分析果实经济性状、脂肪酸指标,并将各指标与海拔进行相关分析、逐步回归分析和决定程度分析。【结果】海拔1500 m,漾濞泡核桃果实壳厚最厚,为1.105 mm;海拔1700 m,坚果粒重、仁重和三径均值最小,分别为9.298 g、4.961 g和32.240 mm;海拔1900 m,出仁率最低,为50.6%;海拔2300 m,漾濞泡核桃果实粒重、仁重、出仁率和三径均值最高,而壳厚最薄,分别为14.006 g、7.958 g、56.8%和1.015 mm。海拔与壳厚呈负相关,与出仁率、纵径、棱径呈显著正相关,与粒重、仁重、横径、三径均值呈正相关,与油酸、花生酸、花生油酸呈正相关,与硬脂酸、亚油酸和亚麻酸呈负相关,与棕榈酸、棕榈油酸呈显著负相关。海拔对花生油酸直接作用最大,对亚油酸间接作用大于直接作用,海拔主要影响亚油酸、花生酸、花生油酸性状变异。【结论】在研究区域内,海拔对漾濞泡核桃果实经济性状和主要脂肪酸含量产生了综合影响,在海拔1500~2300 m的范围内,这些性状均表现较好。经综合分析,海拔1700~2100 m的核桃品质最好。 【Objective】The current paper was conducted to study the relationships between different altitudes and the economic traits of walnut fruit,the degree of variation of main fatty acids,and the degree of variation of main fatty acids in Yunnan's main walnut variety,Juglans sigillata cv.Yanbipao,so as to reveal the variation characteristics of its fruit shape and nutritional components,determine the best suitable cultivation area for a specific variety and to provide a theoretical basis for further developing applications.【Method】Taking Yangbipao walnut as the test material,from the altitude of 1500 meters,the fruit was sampled every time the altitude rising by 100 meters,and the economic traits and fatty acid quality indicators of the fruit were measured and analyzed.The economic forest research method was used to determine the economic properties of nuts,main fatty acid content.Correlation analysis,stepwise regression analysis and determination degree analysis were carried out to reveal the relationship between each index and altitude change.【Result】At an altitude of 1500 meters,the thickest shell was 1.105 mm;At an altitude of 1700 meters,the smallest seed weight,kernel weight,and three⁃diameter mean were 9.298 g,4.961 g,and 32.240 mm respectively;At an altitude of 1900 meters,the lowest rate of kernel release was 50.6%;At an altitude of 2300 meters,the highest values were found for seed weight,kernel weight,kernel release rate,and three⁃diameter mean,while the thinnest shell was 1.015 mm.The altitude had a negative correlation with shell thickness,a significant positive correlation with kernel release rate,longitudinal diam⁃eter,and transverse diameter,a positive correlation with seed weight,kernel weight,horizontal diameter,and three⁃diameter mean,and a positive correlation with oleic acid,peanut acid,and peanut oleic acid,as well as a negative correlation with stearic acid,linoleic acid,and linolenic acid.The altitude had the greatest direct effect on peanut oleic acid,and the indirect effect on linoleic acid was greater than the di⁃rect effect.The altitude mainly affected the variation in the properties of linoleic acid,peanut acid,and peanut oleic acid.【Conclusion】In the study area,altitude has a comprehensive impact on the economic traits and main fatty acid content of Yangbipao walnut kernel fruits,within the range of 1500-2300 meters,these traits perform well.Through comprehensive analysis,the walnut quality is the best at an altitude of 1700-2100 meters.
作者 熊新武 郝佳波 张雨 毛云玲 陈鹏 李俊南 胡青 陆斌 XIONG Xin-wu;HAO Jia-bo;ZHANG Yu;MAO Yun-ling;CHEN Peng;LI Jun-nan;HU Qing;LU Bin(Yangbi Research Institute of Walnut,Yunnan Academy of Forestry and Grassland Science,Yangbi,Yunnan 672500,China;Yun-nan Academy of Forestry and Grassland Science,Kunming 650201,China)
出处 《西南农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期320-325,共6页 Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家十三五重点研发计划课题(2021YFD1000403) 核桃产业国家创新联盟(NAWI)。
关键词 漾濞泡核桃 果实 经济性状 脂肪酸 Juglans sigillata cv.Yanbipao Fruit Economic characteristics Fatty acids
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