

Aesthetic Turning and Bildung Strategies of Humanistic Classics General Education
摘要 将审美与教化的复杂关系作为区分标准,人文经典教育史可大致分为“审美附教化”“审美代教化”“审美反教化”“审美促教化”等四个阶段。在审美附教化阶段,诗乐之辩与诗哲之争使人文经典教育沦为政治与道德教化的工具。在审美代教化阶段,浪漫主义与古典主义之争试图以审美王国来超越分裂的人性与僵化的道德,但“审美乌托邦”终究无力变革社会现实。在审美反教化阶段,理性主义主导的文化审美批判对传统经典及其文化价值进行彻底清算,但批判理性无法解决传统教化观念的现代性迷失。当代大学人文经典通识教育重新发现了审美趣味、审美智慧与审美境界对教化的促进作用,开启了“审美促教化”的审美转向。满足人的审美趣味并不断激发崇高感,启发人的审美智慧以涵泳经典意义,提高人的审美境界以深刻理解人类的存在境遇,不仅避免传统经典教化的强制性与功利性,更能凸显人文经典通识教育的人文美育底色。 Based on the complex relationship between aesthetics and bildung,the history of humanistic classics education can be divided into four stages roughly:“aesthetic attach to bildung”,“aesthetic substitute for bildung”,“aesthetic anti-bildung” and “aesthetic promote boldung”.In the stage of aesthetic attach to bildung,the debate between poetry and music,poetry and philosophy make humanistic classics education become a tool of politics and moral.In the stage of aesthetic substitute for bildung,the dispute between romanticism and classicism tried to transcend the split human nature and rigid morality with an aesthetic kingdom,but the “aesthetic utopia” could not change the social reality after all.In the stage of aesthetic anti-bildung,the cultural aesthetic criticism led by rationalism completely opposed the traditional classics and their cultural values,but the critical reason could not solve the modernity loss of the traditional bildung concept.Contemporary humanistic classics general education in universities has rediscovered the role of aesthetic taste,wisdom and realm oflife in promoting bildung,and opened the aesthetic turn of “aesthetic promoting education”.Satisfy people's aesthetic taste and constantly stimulate the sense of nobility,inspire people's aesthetic wisdom to absorb the classics significance,improve people's aesthetic realm to understand the human existence situation deeply.To avoid the compulsory and utilitarian traditional classics education,we should highlight the background of humanistic aesthetic education of humanistic classics general education.
作者 夏泉源 XIA Quan-yuan(Zhaoqing University,Zhaoqing 526061,China)
机构地区 肇庆学院
出处 《黑龙江高教研究》 北大核心 2024年第4期103-107,共5页 Heilongjiang Researches on Higher Education
基金 广东省“十四五”哲学社会科学规划课题“中华优秀传统文化的审美教化理论与实践研究”(编号:GD24CJY40)。
关键词 人文经典通识教育 审美教化 人文美育 humanistic classics general education aesthetic bildung humanistic aesthetic education
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