
中国铁矿床伴生关键金属:基本特征、分布规律及资源潜力 被引量:1

Iron deposits associated critical metals in China:Basic features,distribution,and resource potential
摘要 关键金属对于国家高精尖科技发展具有举足轻重的地位。近年来,随着科技革命推进和新兴产业发展,许多国家对关键金属资源的争夺愈加激烈。中国战略性关键金属与“四稀金属”大致对应,主要以伴生形式赋存于各种类型的矿床中。铁矿是中国分布最广泛、研究最成熟的金属矿产之一,但以往的研究主要注重于铁矿床类型及成因的研究,对其伴生的关键金属研究程度不够。文章通过对大量文献开展深入调研工作,系统地总结了中国铁矿床中关键金属的基本特征和时空分布规律,并初步评价了铁矿床中关键金属的资源潜力。研究结果显示,铁矿作为大宗金属矿产主要伴生REE、Sc、Nb、Ta、PGE、Co、Ni、Ga、Ge、Se、Cd、In、Te、Re等关键金属以及Mn、Ti、V等有色金属;中国伴生关键金属铁矿床主要划分为5个成矿区:扬子地台西缘成矿区、长江中下游成矿区、鲁西成矿区、华北准地台北缘成矿区和白乃庙-东升庙成矿区。对铁矿床中伴生关键金属的赋存状态和超常富集机制的深入研究,将为关键金属资源综合利用和找矿勘查提供参考,并提高中国战略性关键金属资源储备和国际竞争力。 The crucial role of critical metals in the high-tech development of a nation cannot be overstated.In recent years,due to the advancement of technological revolution and the growth of emerging industries,the competition for critical metal resources among countries has intensified.Critical metals in China correspond roughly to the“Four-type Rare Metals”and are primarily associated with various types of ore deposits.Iron deposits,one of the most widely distributed and well-studied metal deposit in China,has received considerable attention in terms of ore deposit types and genesis.However,research on the associated critical metals has been insufficient.Based on extensive literature research,this article systematically summarizes the basic features and distribution patterns of critical metals in Chinese iron deposits,and provides a preliminary assessment of the resource potential of these critical metals.The study reveals that the associated critical metals in iron deposits are primarily those rare metals such as rare earth elements,Sc,Nb,Ta,PGE,Co,Ni,Ga,Ge,Se,Cd,In,Te and Re,as well as non-ferrous metals like Mn,Ti and V.The distribution area of associated critical metals in Chinese iron deposits could be classified into five metallogenic provinces:western margin of Yangtze Craton,middle-lower Yangtze River,western Shandong,northern margin of North China Craton and Bainaimiao-Dongshengmiao region.Intensive studies on the occurrence and super enrichment mechanisms of associated critical metals in iron deposits will provide valuable references for the comprehensive utilization of critical metal resources and mineral exploration.In addition,the related research will enhance China's critical metal resource reserves and international competition.
作者 杨志爽 黄小文 孟郁苗 谭侯铭睿 谭茂 高英辉 张鑫 YANG ZhiShuang;HUANG XiaoWen;MENG YuMiao;TANHOU MingRui;TAN Mao;GAO YingHui;ZHANG Xin(State Key Laboratory of Ore Deposit Geochemistry,Institute of Geochemistry,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Guiyang 550081,Guizhou,China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China)
出处 《矿床地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期319-338,共20页 Mineral Deposits
基金 中国科学院百人计划项目 贵州省省级科技计划项目(编号:黔科合基础-ZK[2023]重点050) 矿床地球化学国家重点实验室领域前沿项目(编号:202101) 国家自然基金贵州省后补助经费(编号:GZ2020SIG、GZ2021SIG)联合资助。
关键词 铁矿床 伴生关键金属 稀土元素 稀散元素 资源潜力 iron deposit associated critical metal rare earth element metals dispersed element metals resource potential
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