

Characteristics of platinum group minerals of Anyi Fe-PGE deposit and its genesis,Yunnan,China
摘要 云南牟定安益矿床为一处铂族金属与钛磁铁矿共同产出的大型钛磁铁矿铂族金属矿床。目前对该矿床中铂族元素的赋存状态研究甚少。结合野外宏观地质特征和室内岩矿鉴定,笔者利用TIMA和LA-ICP-MS-Mapping分析方法,对安益矿床中铂族金属矿物学特征进行研究,发现安益矿床中的铂族元素(PGEs)主要以独立矿物的形式存在。铂族矿物(PGMs)多为铂和钯的砷化物、碲化物,如砷铂矿、砷钯矿、黄碲钯矿、碲钯矿等;主要分布于硅酸盐矿物中,其次为硫化物边缘,部分分布于磁铁矿边缘;铂族矿物成因主要有岩浆成因和热液成因2种。岩浆作用形成的铂族矿物分布于硅酸盐矿物中或硫化物边缘,硅酸盐中的铂族矿物是早期PGE与半金属元素形成的纳米团簇颗粒随岩浆演化形成矿物颗粒,被结晶的硅酸盐矿物包裹;分布于硫化物边缘的铂族矿物是残余熔浆结晶的结果。热液作用将PGE以类质同象的形式富集于钛磁铁矿单辉岩的部分矿物中,如热液蚀变较强烈的黄铜矿中含有较高的Rh,这也与铂族矿物集中分布在钛磁铁矿单辉岩中一致。 Located in Mouding County,Yunnan Province,the Anyi Fe-PGE deposit is a large-scale titanomagnetitetype platinum group elements(PGEs)deposit which produces both platinum group elements and magnetite.There is little study on the occurrence state of PGEs in the deposit.In this paper,based on the field observation and petrographic identification,the mineralogical characteristics of platinum group minerals(PGMs)are studied by using TIMA and LA-ICP-MS-Mapping analysis methods,it is found that the platinum group elements(PGEs)mainly exist as independent minerals.Most of PGMs are arsenide and telluride of platinum and palladium,such as sperrylite,arsenopalladinite,kotulskite,and merenskyite,etc.,which mainly distribute in silicate minerals,and secondly in sulfide edges and some of them in magnetite edges.Magmatic and hydrothermal geneses are the main types for PGMs.PGMs formed by magmatism are distributed in silicate minerals or at the edge of sulfides.The PGMs distributed in silicate are a kind of nano-cluster formed by PGEs and semi-metallic elements in the early stage.The PGMs exist in the edges of sulfide is the result of crystallization of residual melt.PGEs are enriched in some minerals of titanomagnetite-bearing clinopyroxenite as the form of isomorphism by hydrothermal processes,such as the chalcopyrite with strong hydrothermal alteration contains higher Rh,this is also consistent with the PGMs enriching in titanomagnetite-bearing clinopyroxenite.
作者 殷顺媛 张爱萍 黄锦辉 杨兆鑫 马致远 李泽姗 夏自辛 孙涛 YIN ShunYuan;ZHANG AiPing;HUANG JinHui;YANG ZhaoXin;MA ZhiYuan;LI ZeShan;XIA ZiXin;SUN Tao(College of Earth Sciences,Yunnan University,Kunming 650500,Yunnan,China;Key Laboratory of Critical Minerals Metallogeny in University of Yunnan Province,Kunming 650500,Yunnan,China;Yunnan International Joint Laboratory of China-Laos-Bangladesh-Myanmar Natural Resources Remote Sensing Monitoring,Kunming 650500,Yunnan,China;MNR Key Laboratory of Sanjiang Metallogeny and Resources Exploration and Utilization,Kunming 650504,Yunnan,China)
出处 《矿床地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期415-428,共14页 Mineral Deposits
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(编号:41862005) 云南省基础研究计划项目(编号:202301AT070116、202401AS070124) 云南省新一轮找矿行动暨地勘基金项目(编号:Y202406) 云南大学第十四届研究生科研创新项目(编号:KC-22221036)联合资助。
关键词 铂族矿物 矿物成因 岩浆铂钯钛磁铁矿床 安益 云南 platinum group minerals genesis of PGMs magmatic Pt-Pd-Ti-Fe deposit Anyi Yunnan
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