

Politicalization of Education:An Analysis of the Ideological Strategies of the British Administration of Hong Kong during the Transition Period before the Handover
摘要 现有香港地区研究被西方主导的意识形态框架所束缚,譬如对港英政府“不干预管治”与“教育去政治化”的过度宣扬,西方乃至中国香港本地的部分学者以意识形态先行的方法进行材料的选取,忽略港英政府直接干预与强力推行教育政治化的历史材料。这种研究试图塑造一个符合西方利益的香港地区管治传统,企图通过“一国两制”承诺的“五十年不变”延续这一传统,并束缚回归后中方改革的手脚。事实上,过渡期港英政府推行急剧政治化,政府的权力自上而下对社会发挥重大的影响,在学校教育领域,港英政府更是积极动用政府力量,让符合自身立场的政治观念积极进入校园,再配合公民教育委员会、区议会等组织实现政府、学校和社区全覆盖式的针对香港地区青年的意识形态灌输。 Existing Hong Kong research is constrained by a West-dominated ideological framework.For example,there has been excessive highlighting of the British administration's“non-interference in governance”and“depoliticization of education”.Some Western and even some Hong Kong scholars tend to select their research materials with an ideology-oriented approach,casting a blind eye to historical facts showing the British administration's direct intervention in local affairs and clear inclination towards education politicization.This type of research attempts to shape a governance tradition in Hong Kong that aligns with Western interests,attempting to continue this tradition by emphasizing that things would“remain unchanged for 50 years”under the principle of“one country,two systems”,holding back China's reform efforts after the handover.In fact,during the transitional period,the British administration of Hong Kong implemented rapid politicization,which had a significant impact on society in a top-down fashion.In the field of school education,the administration mobilized government forces to push political concepts in line with its own position into schools,and then cooperated with organizations such as the Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education and district councils to achieve full coverage of ideological indoctrination for Hong Kong youth in the government,schools,and communities.
作者 张志翔 Zhang Zhixiang
出处 《港澳研究》 2024年第1期73-84,96,共13页 Hong Kong and Macao Journal
关键词 教育政治化 回归过渡期 港人身份认同 殖民主义 PoliticalizationofEducation TransitionPeriodbeforetheHandover Hong KongIdentity Colonialism
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