

The Carnival and Solitude of the Multitude:On the Theory of the Radical Political Subject of Hart&Negeri
摘要 进入21世纪后,哈特、奈格里通过对斯宾诺莎、马克思和福柯的创造性改写,挖掘出当今生命政治生产下蕴含的新革命主体——诸众,进而构建出一幅全新革命主体的诞生、反抗和创构的图景。为了抵抗资本主义对共同性的破坏和占有,哈特、奈格里将诸众解放的可能性与主体性生成和共同性的再占有联系起来,提出了联合身份政治群体反抗资本主义的革命平行论策略。然而,诸众奇异性和共同性的内在张力使他们在革命道路上选择了抛弃无产阶级政党和统一领导的“出走”之路,终究只能在偶然性的狂欢行动中昙花一现、走向落寞,并没有逃出新社会运动面临的主体性危机以及身份政治带来的诸多缺陷,无法真正动摇现有的资本主义世界体系。 Entering the 2lst century,Hart and Negri,through their creative rewriting of Spinoza,Marx,and Foucault,have unearthed a new revolutionary subject-the multitude-embedded in today's vital political production,and thus constructed a clear picture of the birth,resistance,and creation of a brand new revolutionary subject.It also gives a theoretical name to the current proliferation of new social movements,showing an optimistic attitude towards social reality and the exploration of the revolutionary subject.In order to resist capitalism's destruction and appropriation of the common,Hart and Negri linked the possibility of the emancipation of the multitude to the generation of subjectivity and the reappropriation of commonality,and put forward a revolutionary parallelism strategy of uniting identity political groups against capitalism.However,the inherent tension between the singularity and the commonality of all of them has led them to choose the path of"exodus"on the road to revolution,abandoning the proletarian party and the unified leadership,and in the end,they can only be short-lived in the carnivalesque actions of contingency and fall into disrepair,and they have not escaped from the crisis of subjectivity that the new social movements are facing as well as the many defects brought about by the politics of identity,and they are unable to truly shake up the existing capitalist world system.
作者 李高荣 张帆 Li Gaorong;Zhang Fan
出处 《马克思主义哲学研究》 2024年第1期219-230,338,339,共14页 Marxist Philosophical Research
基金 武汉大学海外人文社会科学研究前沿追踪项目“国际左翼期刊中的全球疫情分析和资本主义批判研究”(项目编号:2020HW026)。
关键词 诸众 主体 共同性 奇异性 阶级 Multitude Subject Commonality Singularity Class
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