

Evolution and Prospects of Spectrum Pricing Mechanisms for 6G Networks
摘要 6G网络的异构性和复杂性将进一步提高,可用频段愈渐短缺,迫切需要更为灵活高效的频谱资源管理模式。使用市场化定价手段促进频谱资源的高效利用,为纾解6G频谱短缺困境提供了解决方案。首先简要分析了6G移动网络的频谱资源新特点,接着梳理了数十年来频谱管理和定价机制的演进进程,包括基于博弈论、拍卖模型的定价机制研究和基于人工智能的定价机制研究等成果。最后,对面向6G移动网络的频谱定价机制进行了展望,为标准化工作提供借鉴和参考。 With the increasing heterogeneity and complexity of 6G networks, the available frequency bands are becomingscarce, necessitating a more flexible and efficient spectrum resource management approach. The utilization of marketdrivenpricing methods has emerged as a solution to alleviate the spectrum scarcity dilemma in 6G. This paper aimsto provide a brief analysis of the new characteristics of spectrum resources in 6G mobile networks and reviews theevolutionary process of spectrum management and pricing mechanisms over the past decades. This evolution includesresearch on pricing mechanisms based on game theory, auction models, and artificial intelligence. Lastly, this paperpresents a prospect for spectrum pricing mechanisms tailored to 6G mobile networks, offering insights and referencesfor standardization efforts.
作者 张浩霖 赵友平 ZHANG Haolin;ZHAO Youping(School of Electronic and Information Engineering,Beijing Jiaotong University,Beijing 100044,China)
出处 《移动通信》 2024年第4期112-122,共11页 Mobile Communications
基金 国家自然科学基金(62171020)。
关键词 6G 频谱定价 频谱资源管理 频谱市场 6G spectrum pricing spectrum resource management spectrum market
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