

Zou Ruzheng's proven casesin treating andrological diseaseswith Sini Powder
摘要 四逆散出自《伤寒论》,被后世誉为调和肝脾之基础方剂。邹如政教授擅用经方从肝论治男科疑难杂症。邹教授认为阳痿患者以肝郁肾虚为临床常见证候,当疏肝为主,兼以补肾,常用四逆散合肾气丸加减治疗;慢性前列腺炎主要病机为肝郁血瘀,以四逆散和桃红四物汤为基础研制开发院内制剂前列安丸,用于疏肝解郁、活血通瘀;少弱精子不育症主要病机以肝郁肾虚为主,采用四逆散合五子衍宗汤化裁的生精1号方以疏肝调气、补肾生精;肝郁血瘀、络脉不畅是慢性附睾炎的主要病机,治当疏肝散结、化瘀止痛,常以四逆散合枸橘汤加减治疗。结合临床验案对邹教授运用四逆散治疗男科疾病的经验进行介绍。 Sini Powder(Frigid Extremities Powder),originating from the Treatise on Febrile Diseases,has been revered in later times as the fundamental remedy for harmonizing the liver and spleen.Prof.Zou Ruzheng is renowned for his adeptness in addressing intricate male reproductive disorders through the lens of liver-related treatments derived from classical prescriptions.Professor Zou believes that liver stagnation and kidney deficiency were prevalent clinical manifestations in patients with impotence.His therapeutic approach primarily focuses on soothing the liver and supplemented by kidney tonification.He frequently employs a combined use of Sini Powder and Shenqi Pill(Kidney Qi Pill),with necessary modifications to the formula.Chronic prostatitis predominantly involves liver stagnation and blood stasis.Drawing from Sini Powder and Taohong Siwu Decoction(Peach Kernel and Carthamus Four Substances Decoction),Prof.Zou developed Qianlie'an Pill(Peaceful Prostate Pill),an in-hospital preparation,to mitigate liver-qi stagnation and activateblood and alleviate stasis.Male sterility,linked to oligospermia and asthenospermia,primarily stemmed from liver stagnation and kidney deficiency.Prof.Zou utilized Shengjing Yihao Formula(Essence-Generating No.1 Formula),an adaptation of Sini Powder and Wuzi Yanzong Pill(Five-Seed Progeny Pill)to soothe the liver,regulate qi,tonify the kidney and promote sperm production.Chronic epididymitis,characterized by liver stagnation,blood stasis,and collaterals stagnation,necessitated treatment focused on soothing the liver and dispersing nodules,resolving blood stasis and relieving pain.He often applied Sini Powder combined with Gouju Decoction(Trifoliate Orange Decoction)in managing this condition with possible addition or reduction of herbs according to the patient's conditions.This paper elaborates on Prof Zou's experience in the treatment of andrological diseases with Sini Powder based on proven clinical cases.
作者 邹薇 李玉婷 邹如政(指导) ZOU Wei;LI Yuting;ZOU Ruzheng(Faculty of Chinese Medicine,Macao University of Science and Technology,Macao 999078,China;Xiangyang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Hubei University of Chinese Medicine)
出处 《现代中医临床》 2024年第2期53-56,共4页 Modern Chinese Clinical Medicine
基金 第七批全国老中医药专家学术经验继承项目(No.国中医药人教函[2022]76号)。
关键词 四逆散 邹如政 男科疾病 验案 Sini Powder ZOU Ruzheng andrological disorders proven cases
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