

Ideational Evolution and Experiences in Cultivating New People of the Times since the Founding of the People s Republic of China--A Historical Perspective of Chinese Path to Modernization
摘要 新中国成立后,中国共产党人在推进中国式现代化的宏阔历史进程中,为了培育适应国家现代化建设需要的理想新人,依据不同历史时期的时代诉求进行了不懈的思想探索和实践创新,从立足国家“四个现代化”建设培育德智体全面发展的“又红又专”的社会主义新人,到围绕“中国式四个现代化”目标培育社会主义“接班人”和“四有”新人,再到站在全面推进“中国式现代化”的历史方位培育担当民族复兴大任的时代新人,形成了脉络清晰和特征鲜明的培育时代新人思想的演进逻辑和深邃内涵,大大丰富了马克思主义关于人的全面发展的理论。深入考察新中国成立以来不同历史时期中国共产党人培育时代新人的推进路径和时代意涵,总结经验启示,有助于从大历史视野深刻理解党和国家培育时代新人在推进中国式现代化进程中的深远意义。 After the founding of the People's Republic of China,the Chinese Communists have carried out unremitting ideological exploration and practical innovation in cultivating generations of new people to meet the needs of national modernization in different historical periods of the long process of promoting Chinese path to modernization.From cultivating “red and specialized”socialist new people with all-round development of morality,intelligence and physique based on the construction of “Four Modernizations”,to socialist “successors”and new people of “Four Haves”around the goal of “Four Modernizations of Chinese style”,and to new people of the times committed to the national rejuvenation with the historical view of comprehensively promoting the Chinese path to modernization,there has emerged a clear evolving logic and profound connotation in the thoughts of cultivating the new people of the times,which has greatly enriched Marxism in its theory of all-round human development.This historical exploration is conducive to deeply understanding the far-reaching significance of the Party and the state cultivating new people in the process of promoting Chinese path to modernization from a broader historical perspective.
作者 柏桦 周建超 BAI Hua;ZHOU Jianchao(School of Marxism,Yangzhou University,Yangzhou 225009,Jiangsu,China)
出处 《扬州大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2024年第2期94-105,共12页 Journal of Yangzhou University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金高校思政课研究专项“习近平总书记关于培养时代新人重要论述研究”(19VSZ006)。
关键词 中国式现代化 中国共产党人 时代新人 思想演进 经验启示 Chinese path to modernization Chinese communists new people of the time ideational evolution experience and enlightenment
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