

A comparative study on the problem situation level of the old and new college entrance examination mathematics questions:Taking mathematics national paper of the 2023 college entrance examination as an example
摘要 问题情境是学生解题的主要场域,对新旧高考试题问题情境水平的对比研究,有利于洞察新高考试题中问题情境改革方向.以2023年高考数学全国卷为对象,采用陈志辉改进后的数学问题情境水平三维特征分析框架,从新旧高考视角出发,对试题问题情境水平进行比较分析.研究发现:问题情境类型方面,新旧高考试题均包含多种情境,且都以纯数学情境为主;数学特征方面,新高考试题运算难度相对低于旧高考;表征特征方面,新高考试题多元表征的占比高于旧高考;任务特征方面,新旧高考试题在强调“概念性理解”和“问题解决”的任务要求上具有很大的一致性.总体来说,新旧高考试题对学生认知难度的要求差异不大.根据研究结论得出以下启示:合理创设试题问题情境类型,挖掘问题情境育人价值;丰富数学问题教学情境,激发学生数学学习兴趣;强化多元化试题问题情境表征,助力学生获取解题的关键信息. The question situation is the main field for students to solve problems.A comparative study on the situation level of the new and old college entrance examination questions is helpful to gain insight into the direction of problem situation reform in the new college entrance examination.Taking the 2023college entrance examination national mathematics paper as the object,the three-dimension feature analysis framework of mathematical problem situation level improved by Chen Zhihui was adopted,and the problem situation level of the test questions was compared and analyzed from the perspective of the old and new college entrance examination.The results show that in terms of question situation types,both the new and old college entrance exam questions contain a variety of situations,and of which are mainly pure mathematical situations;in terms of mathematical characteristics,the operation difficulty of the new college entrance examination is relatively lower than that of the old one;in terms of representation features,the proportion of diversified representational features in the new college entrance examinations is higher than that in the old one;in terms of task characteristics,the old and new college entrance examinations have great consistency in emphasizing the task requirements of″conceptual understanding″and″problem solving″.In general,there is little difference between the new and old college entrance exam questions in terms of students′cognitive difficulty.According to the research findings,the following insights are obtained:reasonably create the types of test problem situations,and explore the educational value of problem situations;enrich the teaching situation of mathematics problems and stimulate students′interest in mathematics learning;strengthen the situational representation of diversified test questions to help students get the key information for problem solutions.
作者 张梅 ZHANG Mei(School of Mathematics and Big Data,Guizhou Education University,Guiyang Guizhou 550018;School of Mathematics and Big Data,Guizhou Normal University,Gui′an New District Guizhou 550025)
出处 《辽宁师专学报(自然科学版)》 2024年第1期15-21,共7页 Journal of Liaoning Normal College(Natural Science Edition)
基金 贵州师范学院与贵州师范大学联合培养硕士研究生专项科研基金(2023YJS06) 贵州师范大学课程思政示范项目(2022KCSZ006)。
关键词 问题情境水平 新旧高考 数学试题 情境特征 水平比较 problem situation level new and old college entrance examination mathematics examination questions situational characteristics level comparison
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