
基于稳定同位素分析技术的蜂蜜产地鉴别研究 被引量:1

Research on Identification of Honey Production Areas Based on Stable Isotope Analysis Technology
摘要 随着蜂蜜市场的蓬勃发展,大量伪劣蜂蜜随之产生,给相关蜂蜜厂家造成了重大损失。因此,加大对我国优质蜂蜜产品的产地保护,建立有效的蜂蜜产地鉴别手段尤为重要。基于此,本文结合化学计量学方法,测定了不同产地蜂蜜的稳定同位素比值,旨在为蜂蜜产地鉴别提供科学合理的技术参考。 With the booming development of the honey market,a large amount of fake and inferior honey has emerged,causing significant losses to relevant honey manufacturers.Therefore,it is particularly important to increase the protection of the origin of high-quality honey products in China and establish effective methods for identifying the origin of honey.Based on this,this article combines chemometric methods to determine the stable isotope ratios of honey from different origins,aiming to provide scientific and reasonable technical references for honey origin identification.
作者 王静娴 张昂 WANG Jingxian;ZHANG Ang(College of Food Science and Engineering,Ningxia University,Yinchuan 750021,China;Qinhuangdao Customs Technical Center,Qinhuangdao 066000,China)
出处 《现代食品》 2024年第4期207-210,共4页 Modern Food
基金 国防科工局核能开发科研项目“核辐射作物品种改良与害虫防控”“Crop Varietal Improvementand Insect Pests Control by Nuclear Radiation”。
关键词 蜂蜜 碳稳定同位素 IRMS 产地鉴别 honey carbon stable isotope IRMS origin identification
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