

To Cultivate Financial Culture with Chinese Characteristics through the“Second Combination”:Basic Conditions,Path Basis,and Principles of Practice
摘要 走中国特色金融发展之路,建设“金融强国”,是中国式现代化的题中应有之义。中国金融界的重要任务,已不仅在于推进西方现代金融理论与中国本土金融实践的结合,还在于推进马克思主义金融理论与中华优秀传统文化的有机结合,培育中国特色金融文化。中华优秀传统文化蕴含的货币金融思想,形塑着服务于中华民族现代文明建设的中国特色现代金融体系的历史文化根基,为马克思主义金融理论的“第二个结合”创造了基本条件。马克思主义金融理论与中国传统金融思想在政治性和人民性立场上的高度契合性,则为“第二个结合”奠定路径根基,即紧抓本土金融故事灵韵,将优秀传统金融文化精神注入现代金融理论,实现本土传统货币金融智慧与现代金融理论的有机结合。在这一过程中,应注意坚持人民至上、坚持自立自信、坚持守正创新、坚持问题导向、坚持系统观念、坚持胸怀天下六项基本原则。 Since the reform and opening up,especially the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China(CPC),a series of achievements have been made in the development of China’s financial industry.However,there are still some contradictions and problems in key aspects such as financial regulation,and financial risk prevention and control.In view of the fact that the high‐quality socio‐economic development in the new era requires the strong support of high‐quality modern financial services,the Central Financial Work Conference held in Beijing in October 2023 explicitly put forward the goal of building a financial powerhouse.At the opening ceremony of a seminar on promoting high‐quality financial development for key leading cadres at the provincial and ministerial level held in January 2024,Chinese President Xi Jinping further proposed to adhere to the combination of the rule of law and the rule of virtue,and actively cultivate a financial culture with Chinese characteristics.This provides an important directional guidance for adapting Marxism to the Chinese context and the needs of our times,as well as feasible working guidelines for taking the path of financial development with Chinese characteristics.Hence,this paper focuses on the topic of cultivation of financial culture with Chinese characteristics,and tries to discuss the basic conditions,the root of the path,and the basic principles of practice of the combination of Marxist financial theory with the traditional Chinese monetary and financial thought,on the basis of the CPC’s initiative of“two combinations”,especially the“second combination”(i.e.,the combination of the basic principles of Marxism with the fine traditional Chinese culture).Specifically,based on interpreting traditional Chinese literature and classical Marxist theoretical literature,this paper compares the main points of the traditional Chinese monetary and financial thought and the Marxist financial theory,and searches for the ideological and cultural basis for the dialogue of the two,so as to promote the better combination of local traditional financial wisdom and modern financial theory,and deepen the historical and cultural roots of financial culture with Chinese characteristics.The findings of this paper can be summarized in two aspects.Firstly,the traditional thought of money and finance provides the historical and cultural foundation of modern financial systems with Chinese characteristics,which serves the modernization of China,and creates the basic conditions for the“second combination”.Secondly,the high compatibility between Marxist financial theories and traditional Chinese financial thought in terms of political and people‐centered standpoints has laid a key path foundation for the“second combination”.It should be noted that the political standpoint emphasized the important role of the state in the operation and governance of monetary and financial spheres,while the people‐centered standpoint regards the well‐being of the people as an essential value judgement standard for analyzing,solving and evaluating different kinds of financial problems.This paper also suggests that in the process of deepening the“second combination”and fostering financial culture with Chinese characteristics,attention should be paid to adhering to the following six principles:(1)putting the people first;(2)maintaining self‐confidence and standing on our own feet;(3)innovating on the basis of what had worked in the past;(4)taking a problem‐oriented approach;(5)applying systems thinking;(6)maintaining a global vision.Furthermore,this paper contributes to existing literature mainly in three ways.Firstly,it attempts to provide traditional Chinese wisdom for the further development of modern financial theory,and enrich the discussion on the topic of building China’s independent body of knowledge in finance.Secondly,this paper sorts out the compatibility between the traditional Chinese financial thought and Marxist financial theories at the level of ideological cognition,so as to provide a solid theoretical foundation for the“second combination”.Thirdly,it proposes several necessary principles of practice and policy recommendations for accelerating the cultivation of financial future with Chinese characteristics in the new era.
作者 董志勇 沈博 DONG Zhiyong;SHEN Bo(Peking University,Beijing,China;Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing,China)
出处 《经济学动态》 北大核心 2024年第2期17-31,共15页 Economic Perspectives
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目(23CJL001) 中国社会科学院经济研究所习近平经济思想研究青年项目(JJSQ-2023-09)。
关键词 “第二个结合” 马克思主义金融理论 中国特色金融文化 金融强国 “Second Combination” Marxist Financial Theory Financial Culture with Chinese Characteristics “Financial Powerhouse”
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