

The Limitations of the Representation of Ordinary Language from the Perspective of Quantum Concepts
摘要 量子理论体系蕴含着两种断裂,这两种断裂阻断了因果性思维的链条,摧毁了人们习惯性地运用日常语言的本体论根基。当物理学家企图运用与日常经验相联系的概念和语言来理解微观粒子的存在形态及其行为表现时,会步入错误表征的歧途。日常语言是对象性语言,经典物理学的概念框架强化乃至固化了这种认知。量子力学则是在不断地抛弃经典认知和深化量子化观念的较量中发展起来的。量子概念受数学与问题的驱动,具有非表征性。量子理论不是在描述或表征世界,而是在谈论或模拟世界。理论与世界的关系从描述性表征到谈论性模拟的转变,揭示了日常语言表征的限度。如果我们认识不到这一点,就无法摆脱对量子理论的错误理解,乃至陷入各种神秘主义。 The quantum theoretical system implies two kinds of fractures.These two kinds of fractures break off the chain of causal thinking,destroy the ontological foundation of people's habitual usages for ordinary language.when physiscists try to apply the concepts and languages which link with ordinary experiences to understand the existence states and behavioral manifestations of microscopic objects,they will go astray of misrepresentation.Ordinary language is an object-oriented language.The conceptual framework of classical reinforces and even solidifies this understanding.However,the quantum mechanics has been developed during the struggle process of abandoning the classical cognitions and deepening the concept of quantization.The quantum concepts were driven by mathematics and problems-oriented and have a character of non-representation.Quantum theory is not describing or representing the world,but is talking or simulating the world.The transition of the relationship between theory and world from descriptive representation to discursive simulation,reveals the limitations of ordinary language representation.If we don't recognize this,then we can not to get rid of the misunderstanding forquantum theory,and eventrap in thevarious of mysticism.
作者 成素梅 CHENG Su-mei(Institute of Philosophy,Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences,Shanghai 200025,China)
出处 《自然辩证法研究》 北大核心 2024年第3期19-25,共7页 Studies in Dialectics of Nature
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“当代量子诠释学研究”(19ZDA038) “量子信息科技哲学及其逻辑基础研究”(22&ZD046)。
关键词 量子测量 两种断裂 日常语言的模糊性 非表征 quantum measurement two kinds of fractures fuzziness of ordinary language non-representation
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