

The Development,Models,and Reflections of Japan Agricultural Technology Transfer to Africa:An Example of Japan Rice Technology Transfer to Sub-Saharan African Countries
摘要 本文以日本对撒哈拉以南非洲国家水稻技术转移为例,系统探究日本官方发展援助对非农业技术转移的发展、模式并进行深刻反思,进而凝练出对中国完善对非洲农业技术转移机制的启示。研究发现,自20世纪60年代始,日本基于履行国际责任、开发非洲资源与市场、获取国际社会信任和话语权、推动实施“海外农业战略”等综合考量,不断推动对非洲农业技术转移。为此,日本着眼水稻生产经营链条的每个环节,向撒哈拉以南非洲国家开展以编制产业发展规划、灌溉水稻栽培、新品种推广、收获后加工以及增强受援国自主创新能力为典型模式的水稻综合技术转移。总体来看,日本官方发展援助农业技术转移取得了一定成效,但可持续性尚有不足。日本官方发展援助对非洲农业技术转移的经验和教训,在实现双方技术优势和真实需求有效衔接、变革非洲农耕模式和农耕理念、拓展技术转移视野以开展综合技术转移、提升技术转移的可持续性等方面对中国具有启示意义。 Taking Japan’s rice technology transfer to sub-Saharan African countries as an example,this paper systematically explores the development and models of Japan’s official development assistance(ODA)on non-agricultural technology transfer and deeply reflects on it,and then condenses the enlightenment for China to improve the mechanism of agricultural technology transfer in Africa.The study finds that since the 1960s,Japan has continuously promoted the transfer of agricultural technology to Africa based on the comprehensive consideration of fulfilling its moral responsibilities,developing African resources and markets,gaining the trust and voice from the international community,and promoting the implementation of the“Overseas Agricultural Strategy”.To this end,focusing on the whole industrial chain of rice production and operation,Japan has carried out comprehensive technology transfer of rice to sub-Saharan African countries,including the preparation of industrial development plans,irrigation of rice cultivation,promotion of new varieties,post-harvest processing,and enhancement of the independent innovation capacity of recipient countries.Overall,Japan’s ODA agricultural technology transfer has made some achievements,but the sustainability is still insufficient.The experience and lessons of Japan’s ODA on agricultural technology transfer in Africa are of enlightening significance to China in terms of effectively connecting the technological advantages and real deeds of both sides,transforming African farming models and concepts,expanding the vision of technology transfer to carry out comprehensive technology transfer,improving the sustainability of technology transfer,and so on.
作者 马红坤 金晔 毛世平 MA Hongkun;JIN Ye;MAO Shiping
出处 《中国农村经济》 北大核心 2024年第2期155-174,共20页 Chinese Rural Economy
基金 中国农业科学院科技创新工程“生物育种创新与农业绿色发展相关问题研究”(编号:10-IAED-RC-03-2023-1) 国家社会科学规划基金青年项目“二战后日本粮食安全保障政策的演变及其对中国的启示研究”(编号:22CSS016) 山东省高等学校优秀青年创新团队项目“乡村内生发展研究创新团队”(编号:2022RW065)的支持。
关键词 农业技术转移 非洲 水稻 官方发展援助(ODA) 日本 Agricultural Technology Transfer Africa Rice Official Development Assistance(ODA) Japan
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