The Law on Foreign Relations of the People's Republic of China(China's Foreign Relations Law)is a groundbreaking legislation for China herself and around the world.Law regulating foreign relations include formal law and informal law.China's Foreign Relations Law serves as a basic law,providing the justification and guideline for the making and application of formal and informal law on foreign relations.Legal practice in foreign relations differs with those in the purely domestic affairs.Thus,although the subject matters of China's Foreign Relations Law are open to change,it is not wise to include all matters with“foreign elements”within China's Foreign Relations Law.The fundamental aim and purpose of China's Foreign Relations Law is not to function for international competition and struggles,but to modernize Chinese system and capacity of national governance,enhance the running of the country by law in the comprehensive manner,and pursue international cooperation.The effectiveness of China's Foreign Relations Law should not be mainly measured by the legal remedies available to individuals and private entities,but the overall benefits it may bring about,including whether and to what extent it enhances the rule of law in foreign relations.China's Foreign Relations Law indeed is incomplete,not addressing several significant issues(for instance,the legal status of customary international law in the Chinese legal system).However,the“issue oriented”approach it adopts is sound,given that,on the one hand,how to legally address many foreign affairs are not conclusive in such a dramatically changing international order;on the other hand,a cautious approach is wise for a globally groundbreaking legislation.China's Foreign Relations Law develops socialist regime advantage into more operative mechanism advantage by providing the roles of the Communist Party of China and local governments in foreign affairs.That China's Foreign Relations Law addresses the relationship between international law and national law in a flexible way,generally speaking,is sensible,corresponding to the global trend in this respect.Nevertheless,such flexible approach gives rise to uncertainties of the application of treaties in China.Therefore,on the one hand,it is necessary to adopt some implementing laws;on the other hand,Chinese authorities should apply treaties in good faith.
Chinese Review of International Law
Foreign Relations Law
Subject Matter
Foreign Relations Mechanism
Issue-Oriented Approach
Relationship between International Law and National Law