

Exploring the Narratives of“Common Ancestor”and“Common Descent”in the Nanling Corridor,and Fostering a Sense of Community for Chinese Nation
摘要 周朝以后,随着疆域扩张和族群迁徙,“同文”“共祖”现象开始出现。随着“汉字”文化圈的扩展,各族群不断交流融合,产生了以黄帝为“共祖”的传说体系,“天下一家”成为普遍认同的观念。岭南地区各族群延续并融入“共祖”叙事的传说体系,通过族源神话中的“家人”叙事实现了与华夏文明的对接:一方面,通过“槃瓠”和“伏羲”等“共祖”叙事,融入黄帝世系的神话体系;另一方面,通过“同胞”叙事将各族群纳入大家庭中,进而形成“天下一家”的共同体意识。南岭走廊多民族的族源神话在内容、结构、对象上呈现高度的相似性,其中“共祖”“同胞”叙事尤为显著。古人的原始思维、民族同源关系以及各民族交往交流交融与共同体思想萌芽等共同造就了多民族的“共祖”“同胞”叙事。伴随着“大一统”格局的确立,南岭走廊多民族的神话通过“共祖”“同胞”叙事融入中华民族神话体系,为中华民族共同体意识的进一步形成提供了重要推动力。这种族源神话中的“共祖”叙事承载了民族的集体记忆,成为各民族融入中华民族的文化表征。 After the Zhou dynasty,the emergence of phenomena such as a“common language”and a“common ancestor”accompanied territorial expansion and ethnic migration.With the expanding Chinese cultural sphere,ethnic groups began to integrate,giving rise to a narrative system that acknowledges the Yellow Emperor as a“common ancestor”and embraces the idea of“all under heaven are one family.”By inheriting and assimilating the“common ancestor”narrative system,the ethnic groups in Lingnan become intricately connected with Chinese Civilization.In this narrative framework,ethnic groups in Lingnan utilize stories such as“Panhu”and“Fuxi”to align themselves with the myth system of the Yellow Emperor,establishing a shared cultural heritage.Simultaneously,the“common descent”narrative is employed to incorporate other ethnic groups into a broader familial concept,fostering a sense of community rooted in the belief that“all under heaven are one family.”The ethnic origin myths of groups inhabiting the Nanling corridor exhibit remarkable similarity in content,structure,and subject matter,particularly in the thematic elements of“common ancestor”and“common descent”narratives.The parallels in these narratives are reflective of primitive thought patterns among the ancients,a shared ethnic origin,and the intricate web of interactions,exchanges,and integration between these ethnic groups.As the“Great Unification”pattern takes shape in China,the myths of ethnic groups in the Nanling corridor become integrated into the broader myth system of the Chinese nation,serving as a catalyst for the development of a collective sense of community for the Chinese nation.These narratives,woven into the fabric of ethnic origin myths,encapsulate the collective memory of these groups and stand as cultural representations of their integration into the larger Chinese nation.
作者 郝国强 诸葛成影 HAO Guo-qiang;ZHUGE Cheng-ying(GuangXi Minzu University;Northwest Minzu University)
出处 《中华民族共同体研究》 2024年第1期101-116,M0007,M0008,共18页 Journal of the Chinese Nation Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金重大专项“容融之道:古商道与各民族的空间、经济、社会、文化、心理‘五个互嵌’研究”(22VMZ005) 国家民委委托项目“各民族优秀传统文化的传承保护和中华文化的创新交融路径研究”(2023-GMG-037) 广西哲学社会科学基金一般项目“现代化道路与广西各民族五个互嵌研究”(22BMZ016)的阶段性成果。
关键词 南岭走廊 族源神话 “共祖”叙事 “同胞”叙事 中华民族共同体 Nanling corridor ethnic origin myth common ancestor narrative common ancestor narrative community for Chinese nation
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