Andrei Rublev is a turning point in the work of Andrei Tarkovsky.Taking icons as the starting point,this article analyzes Andrei Rublev and explores the spiritual connotation of the recurrent icon elements,such as St George and the dragon and The Holy Trinity,in many Tarkovsky’s films,in a way that combines the history and culture of Orthodox icons,so as to further understand Tarkovsky’s artistic thinking.Influenced by Russian religious culture and the works of Andrei Rublev and Dostoevsky and based on his observations of the problems of Russian society at the end of the twentieth century,Tarkovsky believed that an artist should act as a witness to the problems of the times,guide people to find ways of combating spiritual deprivation and the emptiness of soul through his or her work,and enable them to find their spiritual roots,i.e.,the ideals of love and sacrifice,with the faith of pilgrims and the courage of martyrs even after the process of losing and finding their homes.
Yang Qi(Nankai University)
Eurasian Humanities Studies