

The Influence of Social Organizations as Medium on the Construction of Rural Life Community:A Case Study Based on M Village in Suzhou
摘要 改革开放后,随着乡村经济由传统农业向现代产业转型,乡村的社会关系和生活方式产生深刻变革,传统的乡土团结逐渐瓦解。同时,城市化进程加速引发的人口外流,导致乡村社区空心化和人际关系淡化,进而加剧了乡村的原子化趋势。在此背景下,重建乡土团结成为乡村治理中亟须解决的问题。研究以苏州市的一个乡村为案例,以媒介交转性为理论视角,采用线上与线下相结合的参与式观察和深度访谈法,探讨作为外源型力量的社工组织进入乡村后如何成为媒介,并建构人与人、人与村庄的新型关系,从而促进乡村社会再团结。之所以选择社工组织为研究对象,是因为社工组织作为一种公益、半公益性质的社会组织,在社区营造、便民服务供给、社会关系调解等方面能够发挥重要作用,对于乡村社会的团结建构意义非凡。与此同时,对于一些发达地区的村庄而言,其公共基础设施已相当完备,通过集体修路、铺桥、造公厕等“事件团结”的方式凝聚人心、培养互助友爱精神,已变得收效甚微。而社工组织这种通过社会支持来培养群众公共性和主体性的外源型力量,恰好能弥补此类村庄团结机制缺失的问题。研究发现:作为媒介的社工组织首先通过便民服务供给的方式,将村民、村干部等多元主体连接起来,以此密切村庄内部人与人之间的联系;其次,在连接的基础上,村民与村民、村民与村干部之间经由交往实践,建构了一种彼此交融的整体化生活方式,展现出社工组织的媒介“交互”作用;再者,借由交互实践,社工组织与村庄之间共同编织出一张新的社交网络,使得村民与村民、村民与村干部之间的关系发生改变,一定程度上重塑了村庄的社会关系格局;最终,在社工组织促成的关系再生产后,村民的公共性和主体性得到强化,在村庄公共事务参与中体现出强烈的互助友爱精神,建构出乡村生活共同体的美好图景。总体来看,作为媒介的社工组织对乡村生活共同体的塑造,经历了一个“建立连接—展开互动—再生关系—建构意义”的递进式动态过程,其所构建的社会关系,重塑了乡村居民日常生活中的公共性,为乡村治理的媒介化转向提供了可能。 After the reform and opening up,with the transformation of rural economy from traditional agriculture to modern industry,rural social relations and lifestyles have profoundly changed,and the traditional local unity has gradually collapsed.Under this background,the reconstruction of local unity has become an urgent problem to be solved in rural governance.This paper takes a village in Suzhou as a case,takes medium transfer as a theoretical perspective,and adopts online and offline participatory observation and in-depth interview methods to explore how a social organization become medium after entering the village and construct a new relationship between people and people and between people and the village,so as to promote the re-unity of rural society.The reason why this paper chooses a social work organization as the research object is that as a kind of public welfare and semi-public welfare social organization,it can play an important role in community construction,service supply for the convenience of the people,and social relations mediation,which is of great significance to the unity construction of rural society.At the same time,for some villages in developed areas,the public infrastructure of these villages is quite complete.“Event unity”such as building roads,building bridges,and building public toilets together to unite people and cultivate the spirit of unity and mutual assistance has become less effective.The social work organization,as an exogenous force that cultivates the publicity and subjectivity of the masses through social support,can exactly make up for the lack of unity mechanism in such villages.The research found that as a media,a social work organization first connect multiple subjects such as villagers and village cadres through the provision of convenient services,so as to close the connections between people within the village.Secondly,on the basis of connection,the villagers and village cadres,through communication practice,construct a lifestyle that integrates with each other,demonstrating the“interaction”role of this social work organization.Furthermore,through interactive practice,the social work organization and villages jointly weave a new interactive network,which changes the relation-ship between villagers and villagers and villagers and village cadres,thereby reshaping the village society to a certain extent.Finally,after the reproduction of the relationship promoted by the social work organization,the publicity and subjectivity of the villagers are strengthened,and the strong spirit of mutual help and friendship is reflected in the participation of the village public affairs.The beautiful picture of the rural living community is constructed.Overall,the construction of rural living community by the social work organization as a medium has gone through a progressive dynamic process of“establishing connection-developing interaction-regen-erate relationship-constructing meaning”.The social relations constructed by the social work organization reshape the publicity in the daily life of villagers and provide a possibility for the medium transformation of rural governance.
作者 杨风云 马中红 Yang Fengyun;Ma Zhonghong(Soochow University)
出处 《新闻与传播评论》 北大核心 2024年第3期43-58,共16页 Journalism & Communication Review
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目(21&ZD319) 江苏省研究生科研与实践创新计划项目(KYCX23_3214)。
关键词 社会组织 媒介 交转性 乡村生活共同体 social organization medium transposivity rural living community
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