

The status and analysis of knowledge belief and practice on lymphedema associated with postoperative breast cancer in medical staff in breast cancer department
摘要 目的:调查乳腺肿瘤科医护人员乳腺癌术后淋巴水肿知信行水平并分析其影响因素。方法:基于中华护理学会《乳腺癌术后淋巴水肿的预防和护理》团体标准,并结合相关文献自行设计医护人员乳腺癌术后淋巴水肿知信行调查问卷。2022年3月至5月通过目的性抽样法对乳腺肿瘤科医护人员进行调查。结果:共调查414名医护人员。知识维度的正确率为57.52%,态度、行为维度得分分别为(30.19±4.12)分、(29.60±6.80)分。多元回归分析显示,职业(护理人员)是淋巴水肿知信行态度维度的影响因素(P<0.05);职业(护理人员)、是否参加过淋巴水肿培训和有过淋巴水肿护理经历是淋巴水肿知信行行为维度的影响因素(P<0.05)。结论:乳腺肿瘤科医护人员乳腺癌术后淋巴水肿知识水平较低,态度积极,行为水平较高。临床管理者应重视乳腺癌术后患者淋巴水肿的管理,加强临床医护人员乳腺癌相关淋巴水肿知识的储备和技能培养,提高临床医护人相关知识储备和技能水平,从而更好地满足患者需求。 Objective:To investigate the level of knowledge,belief and practice on lymphedema associated with postoperative breast cancer in medical staff,and to explore the influencing factors.Methods:A survey was conducted from March to May 2022 by purposive sampling method among medical and nursing staff of breast cancer department.Based on the group standard"prevention and care of postoperative lymphedema in breast cancer"of Chinese Nursing Association,and combined with related literature,we developed a self-administered questionnaire.Results:A total of 414 medical staffs were included.The correct rate of the knowledge dimension was 57.52%,and the scores of attitude and behavior dimensions were 30.19±4.12 and 29.60±6.80,respectively.Multiple regression analysis showed that occupation(nursing staff)was the influencing factor of attitude dimension(P<0.05),and occupation(nursing staff),whether they had attended lymphedema training and had experience in lymphedema care were the influencing factors of behavior dimension(P<0.05).Conclusion:Medical staffs have a low level of knowledge,a positive attitude and a high level of behavior towards lymphoedema after breast cancer surgery.Clinical managers should pay attention to the management of lymphoedema in postoperative breast cancer patients,strengthen the knowledge base and skills development of medical staffs in BCRL prevention and treatment.
作者 刘春梅 武佩佩 张晓芬 朱明玉 魏婷婷 孔轻轻 王盈 LIU Chunmei;WU Peipei;ZHANG Xiaofen;ZHU Mingyu;WEI Tingting;KONG Qingqing;WANG Ying(Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute and Hospital,Tianjin 300060)
出处 《天津护理》 2024年第2期174-178,共5页 Tianjin Journal of Nursing
基金 天津市医学重点学科建设项目(TJYXZDXK-011A)。
关键词 乳腺肿瘤 淋巴水肿 知信行 医护人员 Breast cancer Lymphedema Knowledge-Attitude-Practice Medical staff
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