目的研究以问题为基础的教学法(problem-based learning,PBL)联合案例教学法(case-based learning,CBL)在住院医师规范化培训(简称住培)医师实验诊断学以系统-器官疾病为中心的教学改革中的应用效果。方法选取2017年6月—2020年6月哈尔滨医科大学附属第四医院检验科内设置的医学检验专业住培基地的住培医师60名为研究对象,随机选取2017~2018年度住培医师30名纳入对照组,采用普通五年制教材传统教学法。将2019~2020年度住培医师30名纳入观察组,采用PBL联合CBL教学法。比较2组住培医师考试成绩、学习效果及教学满意度。结果观察组的优良率为100%,高于对照组的80.00%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。观察组住培医师学习主动性、思辨力、团队协作、有效沟通4个维度的得分均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。观察组住培医师的总满意度为100%,高于对照组的73.33%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论PBL联合CBL教学法在住培医师实验诊断学以系统-器官疾病为中心的教学改革中的应用效果较好,提高了住培医师成绩,锻炼了住培医师解决临床问题的综合能力。
Objective To research the application effect of problem-based learning(PBL)and case-based learning(CBL)combined teaching in the standardized training of resident physicians(referred to as resident training)in the reform of experimental diagnosis for physicians centered on systemic organ diseases.Methods A total of 60 resident training students in the medical laboratory specialty standardized training of resident physicians base set up in the laboratory department of the Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University from June 2017 to June 2020 were selected as the research subjects.A total of 30 resident students of standardized training of resident physicians from 2017 to 2018 were randomly selected and included in the control group,using the traditional teaching method of ordinary fiveyear textbooks.From 2019 to 2020,a total of 30 students of standardized training of resident physicians were included in the observation group,and PBL combined with CBL teaching method was used.Compared the exam scores,learning outcomes,and teaching satisfaction between students of two groups.Results The excellent rate of the observation group was 100%,which was higher than the 80.00%of the control group,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).The scores of students in the observation group in four dimensions of learning initiative,critical thinking,team collaboration,and effective communication were higher than those of the control group,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).The total satisfaction rate of the students in observation group was 100%,which was higher than 73.33%in the control group,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion The application of PBL combined with CBL teaching method in the teaching reform of experimental diagnosis for resident physicians centered on systemic organ diseases has shown good results,improving grades and exercising their comprehensive ability to solve clinical problems.
DU Xuefei;XUE Li;LIANG Hongyan;LIU Junnian;PAN Jing;YANG Chun;XIN Yu(Department of Laboratory Diagnosis,the Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Harbin Heilongjiang 150028,China;Department of Clinical Laboratory,the Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Harbin Heilongjiang 150028,China)
China Continuing Medical Education