

The Practice of Thematic Release of Guiding Cases and its Improvement
摘要 从第16批指导性案例开始,指导性案例专题式发布在比例上逐步上升并成为最主要的发布方式,原因在于其独特的优势:在法律效果上能够主动建构类型化的“案例群”,为同类疑难案件提供多角度的裁判规则或者方法;在社会效果上可以展示案例指导制度的多种扩展功能。但是,过于倚重专题式发布也存在着一定隐患:案例指导制度的行政化色彩更加突出,压制了指导性案例的自然生成;同类案件的积累过程影响了指导性案例发布的时效性;批次主题上的比例失当无法充分满足审判实践的多种需要;与司法解释混同的加剧也降低了指导性案例的独有价值。在坚持专题式发布的基础上需要进行有针对性的改进:主动策划的专题应当与分散式发布相结合,共同提升指导性案例的数量;利用现有的司法案例体系提高特定专题的遴选效率;同一专题内部的诸多指导性案例之间应当形成“和而不同”的融贯关系,通过裁判理由部分的论证展示多种规则的适用;专题式发布应当与相应的司法解释相互照应配合。专题式发布是案例指导制度运行的实践探索和经验总结,能够以案例形式提供系统化的裁判规则,经过改进后将更好地提升指导性案例的参照效果。 Since the 16th batch of Guiding Cases,the proportion of thematic release of Guiding Cases has been gradually increasing and become the most important release mode,because it enjoys unique advantages:in terms of legal effect,it can actively construct a typed"case group"to provide multidimensional adjudication rules or methods for similar difficult cases;in terms of social effect,it can demonstrate the multiple extended functions of the Case Guidance System.However,there are also certain hidden dangers in relying too heavily on thematic release:the administrative color of the Case Guidance System becomes more prominent,which suppresses the natural generation of Guiding Cases;the accumulation process of similar cases has affected the timeliness of the release of Guiding Cases;the unbalanced topics among different batches cannot fully meet the multiple needs of trial practice;the intensification of its confusion with judicial interpretations has also reduced the unique value of Guiding Cases.On the basis of adhering to the thematic release,it is necessary to make targeted improvement:to combine actively-planned thematic release with non-theme-centered release to jointly increase the number of Guiding Cases;to make full use of the existing judicial case system to improve the efficiency of the selection of specific topics;to form a coherent relationship of"being harmonious but different"between many guiding cases on the same topic,thus demonstrating the application of various rules through the argumentation in the part of rational for the decision;to make thematic release mutually cooperate with corresponding judicial interpretations.Thematic release is a practical exploration and summarized experience of the operation of the Case Guidance System,can provide systematic adjudication rules in the form of cases,and will better enhance the reference effect of Guiding Cases after improvement.
作者 孙光宁 SUN Guangning
出处 《政治与法律》 北大核心 2024年第5期34-48,共15页 Political Science and Law
基金 山东省社会科学规划项目“统一法律适用背景下指导性案例的规范定位与制度完善研究”(项目编号:23CFXJ06) 山东省高校青创科技支持计划项目“司法工作全面贯彻习近平法治思想研究”(项目编号:2021RW001)的研究成果。
关键词 指导性案例 专题式发布 裁判要点 裁判理由 案例群 Guiding Cases Thematic Release Holding Rational for the Decision Case Group
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