

“Ten Prime Ministers Leaving Their Marks”——The Political and Cultural Impact of the Group of Exiled Prime Ministers on Chaozhou in the Tang and Song Dynasties
摘要 “十相留声”这个说法来自于明朝嘉靖年间潮州知府丘其仁修建的“十相留声坊”。这十位宰相,或因朝廷政争,或因抵御外敌等,被贬谪或流亡至潮州。常衮以劝农促学来促进社会稳定,具有开创性的政治、文化意义,不仅为后代来潮州治潮的官员提供了宝贵的实践经验,也为古代潮州由落后的南荒地带向“海滨邹鲁”的转变奠定基础。陈尧佐“尊韩学孔”,通过宣扬教化来治理地方,既有利于加强潮州百姓在文化心理上与主流统治思想的一致性,又能在广泛的思想学习中开化民智,推动潮州的文明进程。文天祥、陆秀夫、张世杰并称晚宋三杰。他们充分发挥了卓越的组织才能,以身作则,激发潮民的爱国精神,号召潮州百姓参与抗敌、拯救民族危亡。十相群体用他们特定的人生经历和生命体验诠释的家国政治情怀与伦理道德实践已深深植入潮州文化的根脉,成为潮州人文精神不可分割的组成部分。 The expression“ten prime ministers leaving their marks”originated from the“Memori-al Archway for Ten Prime Ministers in Chouzhou”built by Qiu Qiren,the governor of Chaozhou dur-ing the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty.These ten prime ministers were either relegated or exiled to Chaozhou due to political tussles in the imperial court or resistance against foreign enemies.Chang Gun promoted social stability by advocating agriculture and promoting education,which was of ground-breaking political and cultural significance because it not only provided valuable practical experience for future generations of Chaozhou officials,but also laid a foundation for the transformation of an-cient Chaozhou from a backward southern wasteland to a“seaside Zoulu”(a region of cultural pros-perity).Chen Yaozuo respected Han Yu and Confucius,and governed the local area by promoting education.This not only helped to strengthen the consistency between the cultural psychology of the Chaozhou people and the mainstream ruling ideology,but also cultivated their wisdom through exten-sive ideological learning,promoting the civilization process of Chaozhou.Wen Tianxiang,Lu Xiufu,and Zhang Shijie are collectively known as the“Three Masters of the Late Song Dynasty”.With the demonstration of their remarkable organizational skills,they led by example to stimulate the patriotic spirit of the Chaozhou people,and called upon the Chaozhou people to join the fight against the ene-my and save the nation from peril.The political sentiment and ethical and moral practices of the ten prime ministers,interpreted through their specific life experiences,have been deeply rooted in the roots of Chaozhou culture and have become an integral part of the humanistic spirit of Chaozhou.
作者 赵雅娟 刘彦彤 ZHAO Ya-juan;LIU Yan-tong(College of Literature and Journalism,Hanshan Normal University,Chaozhou,Guangdong,521041;College of Foreign languages,Hanshan Normal University,Chaozhou,Guangdong,521041)
出处 《韩山师范学院学报》 2024年第2期26-31,共6页 Journal of Hanshan Normal University
基金 韩山师范学院博士科研启动项目(项目编号:QD20191013)。
关键词 “十相留声” 唐宋时期 潮州文化 政治影响 文化影响 ten prime ministers leaving their marks Tang and Song dynasties Chaozhou cul-ture political influence cultural influence
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