Exploring the Localizational Display Practices of the Museums Established by Westerners in China:Centered on the Habitat Dioramas of the Shanghai Museum(R.A.S.)
4Clark, R.S. and Sowerby, A. C. , Through Shenkan ; the Account of the Clark Expedition in North China, 1908-9. , London, Leipsic : T. Fisher Unwin, 1912.
5Through Shen-kan, p. 2.
6W. R. C., Researches in Northern China, The Geographical Journal, Vol. 41. No. 3. Mar. 1913, p. 276.
7Ryder, C. H. D. , Exploration in Western China, The Geographical Journal, Vol. 21, No. 2. (Feb. , 1903), pp. 109-120.
8Wingate, A. W. S. , Nine Years' Survey and Exploration in Northern and Central China, The Geographical Journal, Vol. 29, No. 2. (Feb., 1907), pp. 174-200.
9Through Shen-kan, pp. 2-3.
10Stevens, Keith, Naturalist, Author, Artist, Explorer and Editor and An Almost Forgetten President Arthur de Carle Sowerby 1885-1954, p. 125, http:// sunzil. lib. hku. hk/hkjo/view/44/4400808. pdf.