

A Study on the Ancient Chinese Paper Quilts
摘要 唐宋时期纸被是重要的日常生活用品,是特定历史阶段下的产物,史书诗词记载颇丰,研究纸被有利于推动对纸制品的文化认知,了解当时的文学风向和社会经济状况。查阅史书和诗词资料,使用文献整理和数据分析的方法,分析纸被的文学意象、制作工艺和实际用途。研究认为:第一,唐宋时期盛产纸被,后因棉花种植普及逐渐退出历史舞台,史书诗词中的资料注重描写纸被的洁白和保暖性能,借写纸被表达贫困、友谊、文雅的清趣。第二,纸被的面料是藤纸和楮纸,用野藤和楮树皮制作而成,纸被的絮料是柳絮、芦花,絮料可置于纸被夹层,增强保暖效果。第三,纸被可用于御寒,也是官府救济赈灾时的物资,古人依托自然环境的便利,大量生产纸被,以此谋利,故纸被成为浙江、福建、安徽、江西等地的名产。 During the Tang and Song dynasties,paper quilts were important daily necessities,products of a specific historical stage,and well documented in history books and poems.The study of paper quilts is conducive to the promotion of cultural cognition of paper products,and to the understanding of literary trends and socioeconomic conditions at that time.We reviewed the historical books and poems,and analyzed the literary imagery,production process and practical use of paper quilts by using the methods of literature collation and data analysis.This research holds that:1)During Tang and Song dynasties,the abundant paper quilt was then gradually pushed out of the history stage because of cotton cultivation,when history books and poems in the data focused on the description of the paper quilt white and warmth,paper quilt was used to express the poverty,friendship,and elegance of the interest;2)paper quilt fabric was rattan paper and kozo paper,made of wild rattan and kozo bark,paper quilt wadding was willow flocculent,rutabaga,wadding which could be placed on the paper quilt interlayer,to enhance warmth;3)paper quilt could be used for paper quilt interlayer to enhance warmth;paper quilt can be used for the production process and practical uses;paper quilt could be used to protect from the cold,and also the government relief disaster relief materials,the ancients relied on the convenience of the natural environment for mass production of paper quilt in order to make a profit,so the paper quilt had become the famous products in Zhejiang,Fujian,Anhui,Jiangxi,etc.
作者 刘钰 李惠 李斌 LIU Yu;LI Hui;LI Bin(School of Fashion Design,Wuhan Textile University,Wuhan Hubei 430073,China;The Hubei Research Center for Intangible Cultural Heritage,Wuhan Textile University,Wuhan Hubei 430073,China)
出处 《武汉纺织大学学报》 2024年第2期10-16,共7页 Journal of Wuhan Textile University
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划项目(21YJA760032) 湖北省教育厅哲学社会科学研究一般项目(20Y075)。
关键词 纸被 诗词 楮纸 制作工艺 文学意象 paper quilts poetry broussonetia kozo craftsmanship literary imagery
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