

Ligustrum chenii(Oleaceae),A New Species from Eastern China
摘要 描述了采自中国东部木犀科Oleaceae女贞属Ligustrum L.一新种--陈氏女贞L.chenii W.Y.Xie,X.D.Mei et F.Chen,并附有线描图.新种形态与台湾地区特有种阿里山女贞L.pricei Hayata相似,不同之处在于叶片卵形至卵状披针形,先端长渐尖或尾状渐尖,基部楔形至近圆形,上面中脉隆起,连同侧脉密被微柔毛,叶柄长3~5 mm,密被微柔毛;花序梗长0~1.4 cm,花梗长1.5~2 mm,花萼长1.1~1.6 mm,花冠淡黄绿色,外面有时带紫色,稀白色,花药长约4 mm;果实顶端常具宿存花柱,长1~2 mm,喙状. Ligustrum chenii W.Y.Xie,X.D.Mei et F.Chen(Oleaceae),from southern Zhejiang,eastern China,is described and illustrated as a new species.It is similar to L.pricei Hayata,an endemic species of Taiwan,but differs in having leaf blade ovate to ovate-lanceolate,apex long acuminate or caudate-acuminate,base cuneate to subrounded,midvein raised adaxially,densely puberulent together with lateral veins,petiole 3-5 mm long,densely puberulent,peduncle 0-1.4 cm long,pedicel 1.5-2 mm long,calyx 1.1-1.6 mm long,corolla yellowish green,sometimes purple outside,rarely white,anther ca.4 mm long,fruit tip usually with persistent style,1-2 mm long,beak-shaped.
作者 谢文远 梅旭东 刘西 何海荣 陈锋 XIE Wenyuan;MEI Xudong;LIU Xi;HE Hairong;CHEN Feng(Forest Resources Monitoring Centre of Zhejiang Province,Hangzhou 310020,China;Economics,Commerce,Science and Technolgy Bureau of Jingning She Autonomous County,Lishui 323500,China;Administrative of Zhejiang Wuyanling National Natural Reserve,Wenzhou 325500,China;Agricultural and Rural Service Center of Luci Township,Jingning She Autonomous County,Lishui 323599,China)
出处 《杭州师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2024年第3期265-269,共5页 Journal of Hangzhou Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 浙江省植物资源调查、归档、编撰项目(335010-2015-0005).
关键词 木犀科 陈氏女贞 新种 浙江 中国东部 Oleaceae Ligustrum chenii new species Zhejiang Province eastern China
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