

Effects of Different Irrigation Amounts on Agronomic Traits and Yield of Wheat
摘要 探究灌水量对不同小麦品种生长发育和产量的影响,为宝鸡地区小麦节水灌溉提供参考依据,采用裂区实验设计,以弱抗旱性小麦品种周麦27和强抗旱性小麦品种洛旱22为对象,设四个水分处理:CK(越冬期240 m^(3)/km^(2)+拔节期210 m^(3)/km^(2))、W1(越冬期160 m^(3)/km^(2)+拔节期140 m^(3)/km^(2))、W2(越冬期80 m^(3)/km^(2)+拔节期70 m^(3)/km^(2)、W3(越冬期0 m^(3)/km^(2)+拔节期0 m^(3)/km^(2)),研究不同灌水量对小麦株高、叶面积指数、叶绿素含量、干物质量、产量性状及籽粒产量的影响。结果表明:(1)随着灌水量的减小,整个生育期小麦株高、叶绿素含量、叶面积指数、干物质量、穗数、穗粒数、千粒重以及产量呈现下降趋势,水分利用效率呈现先升高后降低趋势;(2)不同灌水量处理下洛旱22各指标降幅均低于周麦27,且洛旱22在W1、W2处理下的水分利用效率均显著高于CK,W1处理下,洛旱22产量下降不明显,说明洛旱22通过提升水分利用效率,提高了穗数、穗粒数、千粒重,稳定了产量;(3)整个生育期周麦27在W1与CK处理下的叶面积指数差异不显著;拔节期和孕穗期,周麦27在W1与CK处理下的干物质量差异不显著,叶面积指数和干物质量积累与产量密切相关,使得W1处理下周麦27穗数下降不明显;(4)当灌水量为W3(越冬期0 m^(3)/km^(2)+拔节期0 m^(3)/km^(2))时,小麦产量急剧下降,周麦27和洛旱22相较CK下降幅度分别为51.4%和40.6%。综合节约用水和产量问题,本试验条件下,越冬期160 m^(3)/km^(2)+拔节期140 m^(3)/km^(2)灌水处理是获得小麦高产最佳灌水方案。 This study investigated the effects of different irrigation amounts on the growth,development and yield of different wheat varieties to provide a reference for water-saving irrigation in Baoji.A two-factor randomized block design was used,with‘Zhoumai 27’and‘Luohan 22’(strong drought resistance)as the main treatments.Four water treatments were applied to each variety:CK(240m^(3)/km^(2) irrigation during wintering period+210 m^(3)/km^(2) irrigation at jointing stage 210 m^(3)/km^(2)),W1(160 m^(3)/km^(2) irrigation during wintering period+140 m^(3)/km^(2) irrigation at jointing stage),W2(80 m^(3)/km^(2) irrigation during wintering period+70 m^(3)/km^(2) irrigation at jointing stage),and W3(no irrigation during wintering period+no irrigation at jointing stage).This study explored the effects of different irrigation amounts on plant height,chlorophyll content,leaf area index,dry matter quantity,yield traits and grain yield of wheat.The results showed that:(1)With the decrease of irrigation amount,plant height,chlorophyll content,leaf area index,dry matter mass,panicle number,grain number per panicle,1000-grain weight and yield of wheat reduced in the whole growth stage,and the water use efficiency increased and then decreased.(2)'Luohan 22'exhibited lower reductions in different indexes compared to'Zhoumai 27'under different irrigation treatments,the water use efficiency of‘Luohan 22’under W1 and W2 was significantly higher than that of CK,and the yield of‘Luhan22’remained stable under W1 treatment due to increased panicle number,grain number per panicle,and 1000-grain weight,as well as enhanced soil water absorption and water use efficiency regulation abilities.(3)Leaf area index of‘Zhoumai 27’showed no significant change under W1 and CK treatments;dry matter quality of‘Zhoumai 27’showed no significant change under W1 and CK at jointing stage and booting stage,and leaf area index and dry matter mass accumulation were closely related to yield,as a result,the spike number of‘Zhoumai 27’did not decrease significantly.(4)Compared with CK,the wheat yield of‘Zhoumai 27’and‘Luohan 22’decreased by 51.4%and 40.6%,respectively.In terms of integrated water conservation and yield,W1(160m^(3)/km^(2) during overwintering period+140m^(3)/km^(2))is identified as the optimal irrigation scheme for achieving high wheat yield under the experimental conditions.
作者 孙军仓 燕鹏 陈三乐 SUN Juncang;YAN Peng;CHEN Sanle(Baoji Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Baoji,Shaanxi 721000,China)
出处 《陕西农业科学》 2024年第3期68-73,共6页 Shaanxi Journal of Agricultural Sciences
关键词 小麦 灌水 生长指标 产量 Wheat Irrigation Growth index Yield
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