

Effects of Different Water-Saving Irrigation Modes on Growth,Yield,and Water Utilization of Summer Maize
摘要 为更深入了解传统和新型节水灌溉技术的增产潜力,在灌溉总量相同的条件下,对比分析了不同灌溉方式对夏玉米生长、产量及水分利用的影响。在遮雨棚控制降水条件下,分别设置沟灌(FI)、地表滴灌(DI)、地下滴灌(SDI)和微润灌(MI)4种节水灌溉方式。结果表明,与FI和DI处理相比,SDI和MI处理降低0~40 cm土层土壤含水量,增加40~100 cm土层含水量;SDI和MI处理虽然降低拔节期夏玉米的叶面积指数和地上部生物量,但提高了吐丝期和灌浆期的叶面积指数,并且降低吐丝后叶面积的下降幅度,最终获得较高的地上部生物量及产量。与FI处理相比,SDI和MI处理玉米成熟期地上部生物量分别显著提高13.43%和9.65%,产量分别提高22.15%和15.61%。SDI和MI处理由于降低了土面蒸发及土壤贮水消耗量,导致其蒸散量较低,最终其水分利用效率较FI和DI处理显著提高。综上,与FI和DI处理相比,SDI和MI处理能够降低土面蒸发,改善中下层土壤水分条件,延缓吐丝后植株叶片衰老,有利于吐丝后进行光合生产,提高夏玉米水分利用效率及产量。 In order to better understand the potential of increasing yield of traditional and novel water-saving irrigation technologies,the effects of different irrigation modes on growth,yield and water utilization of summer maize were compared and analyzed under the same total irrigation amount.Under rain-proof shelter controlled precipitation conditions,four water-saving irrigation modes were set up,namely furrow irrigation(FI),surface drip irrigation(DI),subsurface drip irrigation(SDI)and moistube-irrigation(MI).The findings demonstrated that,in contrast to FI and DI treatments,SDI and MI treatments decreased the soil water content in the 0-40 cm soil layer and increased it in the 40-100 cm soil layer.Although the leaf area index and aboveground biomass of summer maize declined during the jointing stage,they increased throughout the silking and filling stages,and reduced the decline after silking,ultimately achieving higher aboveground biomass and yield.Compared with FI treatment,aboveground biomass and yield of SDI and MI treatments at maturity stage were significantly increased by 13.43%and 9.65%,and the yields were significant increased by 22.15%and 15.61%,respectively.The water use efficiency of SDI and MI treatments were significantly increased,compared with FI and DI treatments,due to the reduction of soil evaporation and soil water storage consumption,and resulting in lower evapotranspiration.In sum,compared with FI and DI treatments,SDI and MI treatments can reduce soil evaporation,improve soil water conditions in the middle and lower layers,delay the senescence of plant leaves after silking,facilitate post-silking photosynthetic production,and improve water use efficiency and yield of summer maize.
作者 王怀苹 杨明达 张素瑜 李帅 关小康 王同朝 Wang Huaiping;Yang Mingda;Zhang Suyu;Li Shuai;Guan Xiaokang;Wang Tongchao(Hebi Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Hebi 458030,Henan,China;Shangqiu Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences,Shangqiu 476000,Henan,China;Agronomy College of Henan Agricultural University/Collaborative Innovation Center of Henan Grain Crops,Zhengzhou 450046,Henan,China;National Agro-Ecological System Observation and Research Station of Shangqiu,Shangqiu 476000,Henan,China)
出处 《作物杂志》 北大核心 2024年第2期206-212,共7页 Crops
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFD0301106) 国家自然科学基金(31871553) 河南商丘农田生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站开放课题(FIRI2021040102)。
关键词 夏玉米 节水灌溉方式 地下滴灌 微润灌 叶面积指数 产量 水分利用效率 Summer maize Water saving irrigation modes Subsurface drip irrigation Moistube-irrigation Leaf area index Yield Water use efficiency
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