

Analysis on Development Law and Fiber Characteristics of Calotropis gigantea Fruit
摘要 牛角瓜果实纤维可替代棉纤维用于纺织业,是一种值得推广的生态环保的新型纤维材料。为明确牛角瓜果实发育的规律,制定相关栽培管理措施,本试验对巴基斯坦瓜达尔港的牛角瓜果实外部特征、内部纤维发育过程进行了观察。结果表明,牛角瓜果实外部大小与内部纤维长度成正相关,即果实越大,纤维长度越长。在坐果后第1天至第6天为缓慢增长期,此时应采取保果措施;第7天至第19天为果实生长和纤维快速增长期,此时应给予足够的养分;第20天至第30天为缓慢增长期,此时应侧重于病虫害的防治。 Calotropis gigantea fruit fiber can replace cotton fiber in the textile industry and is a new type of environmentally friendly fiber material worth promoting.In order to clarify the development law of Calotropis gigantea fruit and establish relevant cultivation and management measures,this experiment observed the external characteristics and internal fiber development process of Calotropis gigantea fruit from Gwadar Port,Pakistan.The results showed that there was a positive correlation between the external size of the fruit and the internal fiber length,that was,the larger the fruit,the longer the fiber length.From the 1st day to the 6th day after fruiting,it was a slow growth period,and measures should be taken to maintain the fruit;the 7th to 19th day was the period of fruit growth and rapid fiber growth,during which sufficient nutrients should be provided;the period from the 20th to the 30th day was a slow growth period,during which emphasis should be placed on the prevention and control of pests and diseases.
作者 颜艳龙 YAN Yanlong(Central South University of Forestry and Technology,Changsha Hunan 410004)
出处 《现代农业科技》 2024年第9期42-45,54,共5页 Modern Agricultural Science and Technology
基金 中国巴基斯坦热带干旱经济林种质资源研究与利用项目(2022WK2021)。
关键词 牛角瓜 果实发育规律 纤维性状 Calotropis gigantea fruit development law fiber characteristic
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