

The Aesthetic Imagery of Yiyuan construction in Gu Wenbin's Manuscript:"Painting","Writing","Garden"and Mutual Words and Evidence
摘要 本文以顾文彬文稿为中心,通过对家书、日记、诗文、书画题跋等文稿的梳理,从“画”“文”“园”互文互证的角度溯源了晚清苏州怡园“依画构园”“以画记园”“画文相彰”的营造过程。阐释了怡园中诗、书、画三绝于一体的文人构园之道,解读了怡园营造的实体物理空间和文化心理空间,进而探析园主顾文彬“取法仿照且雅致省俭”“博采诸式且坚守传统”“风雅真率且独具文心”的造园审美意象。从园主人视角切入,通过其造园理念和园中艺文交往,重新审视怡园在苏州古典园林中的独特价值,管窥晚清“同光中兴”造园小高潮时期苏州文人的造园风尚和审美意象。 This paper centers on Gu Wenbin's manuscripts,and through combing his letters,diaries,poems,calligraphy and painting preface and post-script,it traces the construction process of the Garden of Yiyuan in Suzhou in the late Qing Dynasty,which was"constructed by painting","remembered by painting",and"painting and writing complemented each other",and explains the three excellences of poetry,calligraphy and painting in the Garden of Yiyuan.It traces the building process of"constructing the garden according to paintings","remembering the garden with paintings"and"painting and writing complement each other"in Suzhou Yiyuan,explains the way of the literati in Yiyuan that integrates poetry,calligraphy and painting into one,and interprets the physical space and cultural and psychological space of Yiyuan,and explains how it was built.It also explains the physical space and cultural and psychological space created in Yi Garden,and then explores the aesthetic image of the garden owner,Gu Wenbin,who"imitates and imitates with elegance and frugality,""adopts various styles and adheres to traditions,"and"is elegant and sincere with a unique literary heart".From the point of view of the garden owner,through the gardening concepts of the garden owner Gu Wenbin and the garden of art and literature interactions,we re-examine the unique value of Yiyuan in the classical gardens of Suzhou,and see the gardening styles and aesthetic images of the literati of Suzhou in the late Qing Dynasty"Tongguang Zhongxing"gardening mini-crescendo period.
作者 杨姝 李超德 Yang Shu;Li Chaode
出处 《艺术设计研究》 北大核心 2024年第2期114-122,共9页 Art & Design Research
基金 国家社科基金艺术学重大招标项目“设计美学研究”(项目编号:19ZD23)的阶段性成果。
关键词 顾文彬文稿 怡园营造 “画”“文”“园” 互文互证 审美意象 Gu Wenbin's manuscripts Yiyuan construction "huà"(painting),"wén"(literature),"yuán"(garden) mutual textual references aesthetic imagery
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