The ancient meanings of tropic and torrid zone are not the same“.Tropic”refers to meteorologicality,while“torrid zone”signifies uninhabitable conditions.The ancient Greek philosophers combined these two aspects into a single term“,τροπικός”,which designated the region between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn as an exotic land beyond the“oikoumene”.During the Hellenistic period,the revisions by some geographers shifted the boundary of the“oikoumene”beyond the Tropic of Cancer,causing a conceptual mismatch between the two aspects of the“τροπικός”.The notion of inhabitable conditions separated from it and came to be represented by the term“torrid zone”,continuing to exist as the“other”of the“oikoumene”.In the Roman Empire,Latin intellectuals inherited Crates of Mallus’s theory that tropic is ocean,largely maintaining the conceptual relationship between the“oikoumene”and the tropic or the torrid zone formed during the late Hellenistic period.In the early modern era,spurred by the Age of Discovery,the original meaning of the torrid zone was lost,giving rise to the modern meaning of the tropic and the torrid zone.
The World History Review