

The Politics of Indigenous Peoples and the Mexican State in the 19th Century
摘要 本文以墨西哥各地区的土著村镇及农村为视角窥探19世纪的政治历史全景。墨西哥原住民的斗争不仅包括调解、外交等政治行为,还在不得已时将诉诸武力作为最后手段。首先,本文讨论了“土著”的多重含义。这是一个贯穿19世纪的殖民概念。这一源自“外部”和“上层”的定义造成了长久以来对该群体的统治和歧视。随着土著村镇领袖和代表对这一概念的重新定义和使用,农村社会不满情绪高涨,促进了跨地区联盟的产生。其次,本文聚焦纳亚里特州、普埃布拉州和索诺拉州的武装运动,其不同轨迹影响了自由派和保守派在墨西哥中部和北部地区的民主化进程。以捍卫土地为导火索、跨种族和阶级联盟、杰出军事领袖的出现,以及基于正义、平等和公民权等原则,从地方自治立场捍卫政治代表权的诉求是这些运动的共同点。最后,本文对这些军事领袖进行探讨。以各地区村镇构成和内生动力为依据,出现了支持、反对或超越建设中的国家机器的政治战略,而这篇文章的目的即在于探查上述各类战略。 This essay offers an overview of the political history of the nineteenth century from the perspective of the indigenous and peasant peoples,in various regions of Mexico,whose struggles involved a network of political actions,including mediation,diplomacy and,as a last resort,taking up arms.In the first part,the multiple meanings of“the indigenous”,a colonial concept that travels throughout the century are addressed,whose definitions from“outside”and from“above”perpetuate the domination and discrimination of the sectors it designates.While reappropriated and resignified by the leaders and representatives of the peoples,it brings together the discontent of the rural society and weaves alliances beyond the locality.The second part is focused on three armed movements in the states of Nayarit,Puebla and Sonora,in the central and northern part of the country,whose divergent trajectories influenced the democratization of liberal and conservative projects in their regions.The trajectories triggered by the defense of the territories,the interethnic and interclass alliances,and the emergence of notable military leaderships to which the final section is devoted,as well as the demands based on principles of justice,equality and citizenship in defense of their political representation from a position of autonomy were some of their common elements.This is expected to show the broad spectrum of political strategies that,from the peoples and the dynamics of each region,were undertaken for,against and beyond the state apparatus under construction.
作者 刘豪(译) Regina Lira Larios;Liu Hao
出处 《世界近现代史研究》 2023年第1期240-263,366,367,共26页 Studies of Modern World History
关键词 土著村镇 墨西哥 政治运动 土地史 19世纪 Indigenous People Mexico Political Movements Agrarian History Nineteenth Century
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