
专家参与决策的影响力差异何以出现?——基于S市城市微更新项目的考察 被引量:1

How Differences of Expert Influence in Decision-Making Originate?——Take Urban Micro-Renewal Projects in S City as Case
摘要 在决策中保证合理、有效的专家参与是提高决策科学化水平、推进国家治理能力现代化的重要途径。既有研究讨论了专家的参与方式与知识类型,但无法充分回应相似决策需求和条件下专家参与为何产生差异化影响力的现实问题。基于“知识-政策”相关文献,本文提出专业知识渗透的分析框架,包含决策中知识输入、知识与政策联系、知识与政策互构以及决策结果与调整等四个阶段。结合过程追踪法与对比分析法,本文观察了S市“桥梁改善”与“店招管理”两项城市微更新项目的决策过程,发现四阶段各具体节点上的知识渗透效果存在项目间的区别。研究表明,知识与政策间有效的联系和共识生产有助于知识渗透并生成积极的专家影响力,而知识输入在专家普遍参与的背景下不一定产生实质影响。本研究有助于丰富专家参与决策的理论解释,同时在知识渗透过程的类型和条件方面有待继续讨论。 Ensuring reasonable and effective expert involvement in decision-making is a key way to improve the scientific level of decision-making and to promote the modernization of national governance capacity.Existing studies have sufficiently discussed expert involvement modes and types of knowledge,but still cannot adequately respond to the practical issue:why does expert involvement produce different impact under similar deci-sion-making needs and conditions? This paper selects the decision-making process of Regulatory Detailed Planning in China as the research ob-ject,and combines participant observation,focus group interviews,semi-structured or unstructured interviews and other data collection methods to conduct the study.In theoretical parts,this paper reviews "knowledge-policy" researches,identifies "expert influence" as a new path,and summa-rizes the process of knowledge infiltration by reviewing knowledge utilization theory and IAD theory.In empirical parts,this paper represents the process-tracing approach and comparative analysis of the decision-making practices of two urban micro-renewal projects in City S,they are "bridge maintenance" and "store signage management".To be specific,this paper proposes an analytical framework of knowledge infiltration,which includes four stages:Knowledge input,knowledge-policy linkage,knowledge-policy mutually constituting,and decision-making outcomes and ad-justments.The effect of knowledge infiltration in four stages differed between projects.The case study shows that the effect of knowledge infiltration in four stages differed between projects.And the theoretical analysis indicates that effective knowledge-policy linkages and consensus production contribute to knowledge infiltration and generate positive expert influence,while knowledge inputs do not necessarily have a substantive impact in the context of widespread expert involvement.This paper can enrich the theoretical explanation of expert involvement in policy-making through the connection between knowledge infiltration and the differences of expert influence,meanwhile,the detailed types and conditions of knowledge infil-tration still need further discussion.
作者 郭禹辰 冯雷 Guo Yuchen;Feng Lei(School of Political Science&International Relations,Tongji University,Shanghai,200092,China)
出处 《公共管理学报》 北大核心 2024年第2期53-64,172,共13页 Journal of Public Management
基金 国家社科基金青年项目(22CZZ019)。
关键词 专家参与 知识渗透 影响力差异 决策过程 城市微更新 Expert Involvement Knowledge Infiltration Differences of Expert Influence Decision-Making Process Urban Micro-Renewal
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