Since taking offi ce,the Biden administration has not only strengthened the traditional alliance,but also actively created various issue alliances,such as technology alliance,alliance for the future of the internet,chip alliance,value alliance,etc.,which can be regarded as typical representatives of its issue alliance.In the context of a relatively weakened United States,the Biden administration has frequently formed issue alliances mainly based on four considerations:promoting the expansion of its traditional alliance system to help maintain hegemony,making up for the shortcomings and limitations of its traditional alliance,conforming to the growing trend of issue politics,and shaping new forms of multilateral cooperation outside the traditional security field.As a relatively loose form of cooperation formed by international actors over specific issues,issue alliance has become a major strategic tool for the Biden administration to maintain hegemony,playing a very important role in international mobilization,deepening alliance relations,and helping the US participate in major-country competition.But at the same time,it also faces the constraints of multiple factors such as limited eff ectiveness and changes in domestic political ecology.Looking to the future,so long as the United States pursues the strategy of competing with China,its strategic thinking of adopting issue alliance will not change fundamentally.
Ling Shengli(Institute of International Relations,China Foreign Affairs University)
Peace and Development