

Region and Resistance:Rethinking Kenneth Framj oton and His Critical Regionalis
摘要 通过回溯弗兰普顿所阐释的批判性地域主义理论基础和发展路径,分析该理论在不同领域产生的影响。文章以文献研究法为主,将弗兰普顿的相关论文和著作作为基本依据,并结合其他学者的论述进行评价。研究发现弗兰普顿的批判性地域主义深受海德格尔现象学、阿伦特公共领域理论以及法兰克福学派文化批判理论等人文领域思想的影响,以及阿尔瓦·阿尔托、马里奥·博塔、安藤忠雄等人建筑实践的启发,其背后的驱动力是对标准化的抵抗,形成路径具有多元化特征。他的主要贡献在于对该理论的发展和推广,通过对概念的辨析、界定使理论更加体系化,在抵抗普遍化、促进文化认同和可持续发展等方面均有积极意义,提供了探索和弘扬地域文化的新途径。本研究有助于对弗兰普顿及其批判性地域主义的再认识,包括理解该理论在当下城市化发展和文化转型中的价值和促进作用。 The paper analyzes the impact the theory has had in different fields by retracing the theoretical foundations and path of development of critical territorialism as explained by Frampton.This paper is based on the literature research method,using Frampton's relevant papers and writings as the basic basis and evaluating them in the context of other scholars'discourses.It was found that Frampton's critical regionalism was heavily influenced by Heidegger's phenomenology,Arendt's theory of the public sphere,and the Frankfurt School's critical theory of culture,among other ideas in the humanities,as well as the architectural practices of Alvar Aalto,Mario Botta,and Tadao Ando,among others,and that the driving force behind it was a resistance to standardization,with a pluralistic character in its path of formation.His main contribution lies in the development and promotion of the theory.Through the analysis and definition of concepts,the theory is made more systematic.It has positive significance in resisting standardization,promoting cultural identity and sustainable development,and provides a platform for exploring and promoting regional New approaches to culture.This study contributes to the re-understanding of Frampton and his critical regionalism,including understanding the value and promoting role of this theory in the current development of urbanization and cultural transformation.
作者 刘梦 Liu Meng(School of Design of Jiangnan University,Wuxi 214122,China)
出处 《艺术与设计(理论版)》 2024年第2期37-40,共4页 Art and Design
基金 江南大学2019年本科教育教学改革研究项目“以‘双一流’建设为目标的设计学基础理论课《设计概论》教材双语编写研究”(JG2019081)阶段性研究成果。
关键词 肯尼斯·弗兰普顿 批判性地域主义 本土 地域文脉 Kenneth Frampton critical regionalism region regional context
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