“No words to describe it.Poetry!They should have sent a poet.So beautiful.So beautiful...I had no idea.”This quote is from a scene in the movie Contact(1997),based off the book written by the astronomer Carl Sagan,where the protagonist,a young scientist,passes through an interstellar wormhole and witnesses the absolute splendor of the universe.At this moment,she is speechless and is barely able to murmur into her recording equipment.I am being a bit dramatic when I say this,but this quote has come to mind more than once during my 11 years working at the Chengdu Panda Base.You see,as an undergrad in college,I studied jazz performance and learned to express myself through music,now I truly regret that I didn’t take any writing classes,as whatever I type fails to do justice for what I have experienced during my years working with pandas in Sichuan Province.
International Talent