作为大名鼎鼎的中央电视台(CCTV)总部大楼的设计机构,OMA堪称全球最具影响力的建筑事务所之一.自1975年由国际建筑大师雷姆·库哈斯(Rem Koolhaas)与三位合伙人于荷兰鹿特丹创立以来,OMA以其不断挑战传统、大胆前卫的设计理念,给世界各地带来了极具先锋意识和创新理念的作品.
As the design firm behind the iconic CCTV Headquarters,OMA is regarded as one of the most influential architectural practices globally.Established in Rotterdam,the Netherlands,in 1975 by renowned architect Rem Koolhaas and three partners,OMA has brought pioneering and innovative works to various parts of the world with its continuously challenging and boldly avant-garde design principles.Currently,OMA has offices in Rotterdam,the Netherlands,Hong Kong,China,and New York,the USA.managed by eight partners.With over 300 employees from more than 50 different countries,including architects,designers,CAD architects,model builders,industrial designers,and graphic designers.OMA's scope of work ranges from landmark buildings to commercial complexes,from urban planning to furniture design,among other fields.
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