

Poetic Minimalism and Humanistic Ideals in Jon Fosse’s Plays
摘要 荣膺2023年诺贝尔文学奖的挪威剧作家约恩·福瑟以令人耳目一新的诗性极简戏剧在欧洲戏剧界独树一帜。福瑟的剧作,以极简主义的美学实验为基石,构筑了抽象而又质朴的时空情景,同时融合了回旋往复的音乐节奏与抒情诗歌的文体特征,营造出一种充满诗意的极简舞台空间与文本布局。福瑟的戏剧,将大海、波涛、黑夜、孤独矗立在海边的老房子等自然地理意象与日常生活图景相并置,犹如一幅淡淡的舞台水墨画,生成了情景交融的挪威西部峡湾的冷冽意境。在交织的舞台风景背后,福瑟聚焦于普通人、甚至是失败者的生存困境,不断地激荡起观众的共鸣与思考。福瑟的戏剧不仅意在唤起人们的情感协奏,而且试图重新构建以戏剧完成自我拯救的人文理想。 Awarded the 2023 Nobel Prize for Literature,the Norwegian playwright Jon Fosse stands out in the realm of European theater with his pioneering work in poetic minimalist plays.Central to Fosse's artistic philosophy are his aesthetic experiments with minimalism,where he masterfully constructs abstract and austere temporal and spatial scenarios.In these settings,characters emerge as enigmatic and indistinct,with the plot unfolding in a markedly static fashion,further accentuated by the deliberate simplification of action on stage.Moreover,Fosse ingeniously intertwines the rhythmic cadences of repetitive music with the stylistic nuances of lyrical poetry,thereby crafting a stage space and text layout that resonate with poetic and minimalist sensibilities.In his plays,Fosse juxtaposes the raw beauty of natural geographical imagerysuch as the sea,waves,night,and an isolated old house by the seashorewith the mundane aspects of daily life,akin to a delicate ink painting brought to life on stage.This interplay not only conjures the chilly ambiance of the fjords of Western Norway but also weaves a complex tapestry of scenarios that are deeply interlinked.Beneath this intricate stage scenery,Fosse delves into the existential quandaries faced by ordinary individuals,including those living on the fringes of society,thereby provoking the audience’s empathy and reflective engagement.His plays transcend mere emotional attunement;they ambitiously seek to rekindle the humanistic ideals of self-redemption through the medium of theater.
作者 何成洲 He Chengzhou(School of Arts,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210093,China;School of Foreign Studies,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210093,China)
出处 《外国文学研究》 北大核心 2024年第2期7-19,共13页 Foreign Literature Studies
关键词 约恩·福瑟 极简主义 舞台风景 理想主义 诗意 Jon Fosse minimalism stage landscape idealism poeticality
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  • 6Fosse, Jon 1991 Naustet [The Boat House] Oslo:Det norske samlaget (first edition 1989).
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