

Analysis of Industrial Collaborative Carbon Reduction and Carbon Reduction Potential in Hebei Province
摘要 核算生产侧和消费侧的直接和隐含碳排放、评价行业部门的协同降碳效应和降碳潜力对河北省产业低碳转型具有重要意义。该文以河北省28个行业为研究对象,基于EIO-LCA模型计算各行业直接和隐含碳排放量,构建隐含碳排放转移网络分析行业的协同降碳效应,建立降碳潜力模型评价各行业部门的碳减排潜力。结果表明:(1)金属冶炼及压延加工业、煤炭开采和洗选业、电力和热力的生产与供应业是直接碳排放最多的3个行业;(2)从生产链视角来看,金属冶炼及压延加工业、煤炭的开采和洗选业、电力和热力的生产与供应业产生最多的隐含碳排放量;(3)从消费需求视角来看,金属冶炼及压延加工业、煤炭的开采和洗选业产生的隐含碳排放最多;(4)部门之间基于投入产出关联形成碳排放转移网络结构,其他行业、金属冶炼及压延加工业、交通运输储运业和邮政业始终处于网络的枢纽地位,是产业协同降碳减排的关键部门;(5)煤炭、金属、电力等产业链上游和中游产业的降碳潜力最为明显。 It is of great significance to calculate the direct and embodied carbon emissions of the production side and con-sumption side,and evaluate the collaborative carbon reduction effect and carbon reduction potential of industrial sectors in Hebei Province.Taking 28 industries in Hebei Province as the research object,the direct and embodied carbon emissions of each industry were calculates based on the EIO-LCA model,the embodied carbon emission transfer network was constructed to analyze the collaborative carbon reduction effect of the industry,and the carbon reduction potential model was established to evaluate the carbon emission reduction potential of each industry sector.The results show that the metal smelting and roll-ing processing industry,coal mining and washing industry,electricity and heat production and supply industry are the three in-dustries with the largest direct carbon emissions.From the perspective of production chain,metal smelting and rolling process-ing industry,coal mining and washing industry,electricity and heat production and supply industry produce the most embod-ied carbon emissions.From the perspective of consumer demand,metal smelting and rolling processing industry,coal mining and washing industry are the largest embodied carbon emissions.The carbon emission transfer network structure is formed among sectors based on the input-output correlation.Other industries,metal smelting and rolling processing industry,trans-portation,storage and transportation industry,and postal industry are always in the hub position of the network and are the key sectors of industrial collaborative carbon reduction and emission reduction.The upstream and midstream industries of coal,metal,power and other industrial chains have the most obvious carbon reduction potential.
作者 丁颖辉 张双金 DING Yinghui;ZHANG Shuangjin(School of Economics,Hebei University,Baoding 071000,China)
出处 《环境科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期201-213,共13页 Environmental Science & Technology
基金 河北省社科基金项目(HB19TJ004)。
关键词 EIO-LCA 隐含碳排放 碳排放转移网络 降碳潜力 协同降碳 EIO-LCA embodied carbon emissions carbon emission transfer network carbon reduction potential synergis-tic carbon reduction
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