

Optimal Capacity Allocation of Marine Microgrid Based on Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
摘要 当前,由于传统能源在受到能源危机的影响下,价格不断增高,传统船舶动力方式很难再满足新的排放规范,迫使船舶动力系统进行能源转型,为此论文建立了锂电池,超级电容,光伏和柴油发电机构成的独立运行的船舶电网系统,建立目标函数和约束条件,其中着重考虑经济性,可靠性以及环保性,从而合理配置船舶电网的容量。论文利用遗传算法的概念,在粒子群算法更新粒子之前,引入遗传算法中的交叉相互的过程,产生质量更好的子代个体。再将此算法应用到目标船型的不同工况下去进行容量优化,对比粒子群优化算法和遗传优化算法,得出最优的容量配置方案。 At present,due to the increasing price of traditional energy under the influence of energy crisis,it is difficult for the traditional ship power mode to meet the new emission standards,forcing the ship power system to carry out energy transformation.Therefore,this paper establishes an independent ship power grid system composed of battery,super capacitor,photovoltaic and diesel generator,and establishes the objective function and constraints.The economy,reliability and environmental protection are considered in order to allocate the capacity of ship power grid reasonably.In this paper,the concept of genetic algorithm is used to introduce the crossover process of genetic algorithm before particle swarm optimization updates particles,so as to produce better quality offspring individuals.Then this algorithm is applied to the capacity optimization of the target ship in different working conditions.Compared with particle swarm optimization algorithm and genetic optimization algorithm,the optimal capacity allocation scheme is obtained.
作者 蒋正宇 戴晓强 JIANG Zhengyu;DAI Xiaoqiang(School of Electronic Information,Jiangsu University of Science and Technology,Zhenjiang 212000)
出处 《计算机与数字工程》 2024年第2期626-629,640,共5页 Computer & Digital Engineering
关键词 遗传算法交叉 船舶电网系统 容量优化 储能装置 particle swarm optimization algorithm marine microgrid system capacity optimization energy storage device
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