

The Use of Academic Research in Policy Making:Degree Measurement,Influencing Factors,Countermeasures and Enlightenments
摘要 [目的/意义]循证决策是西方国家政策制定科学化和改革型政府的核心。作为一种较为前沿的公共政策理论,其要义是在政策制定中充分使用学术研究以提高公共政策的质量。[方法/过程]本文通过文献回顾和梳理,展示西方国家政策制定中学术研究使用的研究脉络,并探究其对我国循证决策的启示。[结果/结论]西方国家首先运用多种测量工具和方法获知学术研究的使用程度,从中发现研究使用情况存在“研究—政策鸿沟”;其次提出3类理论模型、4个维度的影响因素来解释“研究—政策鸿沟”形成的原因;最后基于程度测量和影响因素研究的结果,设计促进政策制定中使用学术研究的对策。基于西方研究成果,本文提出从开发和设计我国政策制定中学术研究使用程度的测量量表,构建影响我国政策制定中学术研究使用的解释性框架,制定研究与决策协同的行动框架和具体对策这三方面来开展我国循证决策的研究和实践。 [Purpose/Significance]Evidence-based policy making is the core of scientific policymaking and reform-oriented government in Western countries.As a relatively cutting-edge public policy theory,its essence is the full use of academic research in policy-making to improve the quality of public policy.[Method/Process]This paper presents the research context of academic research in policy making in Western countries through literature review and sorting,and explores its implications for evidence-based policy making in China.[Result/Conclusion]Western countries first used various measurement tools and methods to understand the degree of academic research usage,and found that there is a“research-policy gap”in research usage.Secondly,three types of theoretical models and four dimensions of influencing factors are proposed to explain the reasons for the formation of the“research-policy gap”.Finally,based on the results of degree measurement and influencing factor research,western countries designed strategies to promote the use of academic research in policy making.Based on Western research findings,this paper proposes to develop and design measurement scales for the degree of use of academic research in policy-making in China,to construct an explanatory framework for the use of academic research in policy formulation in China,and to develop an action framework and specific strategies for collaborative research and decision-making,and from these three aspects to carry out research and practice of evidence-based policy making in China.
作者 杨代福 沈玲丽 Yang Daifu;Shen Lingli(School of Public Policy and Administration,Chongqing University,Chongqing 400044)
出处 《智库理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第2期13-21,28,共10页 Think Tank:Theory & Practice
基金 国家社会科学基金后期资助项目“西方政策评估理论与方法研究”(项目编号:20FGLB043)研究成果之一。
关键词 政策制定 学术研究 知识使用程度 循证决策 policy making academic research degree of knowledge used evidence-based policy making
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