

An Analysis of the Integration Process of Tradition and Modernity in the Modernization Process of Chinese Civilization
摘要 在中华文明与西方文明接触中,现代与传统的融合是改良派、革命派一直奋力追求的目标。中国共产党以中华优秀传统文化与马克思主义的结合为中华文明恢复了与西方对等的自信心,并在国家建设中不断推进中华文明与现代化的融合。通过对中华民族现代文明进程的历史分析,我们一方面可以看到近现代转型时期中国与世界的互动历程,以及各群体为寻求东西文明平行存在而付出的努力;一方面可以看到从鸦片战争到五四运动,由于中国知识分子缺乏对现代化的全面认识,现代化转型经历的波折,进而在现当代牢牢把握“第二个结合”为中华民族现代文明建设提供的更广阔方法论、世界观和方向,在思维上认知到传统与现代各自代表着一个复杂思想的选择机会。 In the contact between Chinese civilization and Western civilization,the integration of modernity and tradition has always been the goal pursued by reformists and revolutionaries.The CPC,with the combination of the excellent traditional Chinese culture and Marxism,has restored the self-confidence of Chinese civilization equivalent to that of the Western countries,and has constantly promoted the integration of Chinese civilization and modernization in the process of our national construction.Through a historical analysis of the modern civilization process of the Chinese nation,we can see,on one hand,the interaction between China and the rest of the world during the period of modern transformation as well as the efforts made by various groups to seek the co-existence of Eastern and Western civilizations;on the one hand,it can be seen that from the Opium War to the May Fourth Movement,because Chinese intellectuals lacked a comprehensive understanding of modernization,the modern transformation went through twists and turns.Thus,a thorough understanding of the second combination of Marxist basic principles with excellent traditional Chinese culture has provided more methodological approaches and directions as well as a wider worldview for the construction of modern Chinese civilization since early modern times,providing an opportunity of choice for complex ideologies in terms of intellectual cognition and that between tradition and modernity respectively.
作者 李京桦 刘向辉 LI Jinghua;LIU Xianghui(School of Marxism,Hainan Normal University,Haikou 571158,China)
出处 《云南民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第3期12-21,共10页 Journal of Yunnan Minzu University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“马克思主义经典作家关于民族国家与多民族国家的重要文献整理及当代意义研究”(21&ZD211)阶段成果。
关键词 中华文明 现代进程 传统 融合 Chinese civilization modern process tradition integration
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