
《刑事诉讼法》第四次修改与中国特色未成年人司法的发展完善 被引量:2

The Fourth Amendment to Criminal Procedure Law and Further Development of Juvenile Justice with Chinese Characteristics
摘要 《刑事诉讼法》对于我国未成年人司法的发展起到了重要的支撑与引领作用,中国特色未成年人司法具有与刑事诉讼紧密捆绑的阶段性特征。更好地调整《刑事诉讼法》与未成年人司法之间的互动关系,以推动我国未成年人司法的进一步发展完善,应当作为《刑事诉讼法》第四次修改中涉未成年人部分修改的基本立场,并处理好两个整体性问题。一是通过吸收未成年人专门法律的普适性内容、根据其他涉未法律的新规定新增或调整专章规定、为其他法律中新增的涉未制度提供程序支撑和吸收已有司法解释或规范性文件的合理内容,来有效对接其他涉未法律规范。二是通过减少刑事诉讼整体框架和普通程序对涉未特别程序的限制,明确与成年人案件规定的梯级递进关系,来处理好与普通程序的关系。本次修改还应当整体增补与未成年被害人相关的规定,对转处制度和犯罪记录封存制度进行体系化与优化,并明确低龄严重暴力犯罪核准追诉程序的基本设置。 In China,the Criminal Procedure Law plays an important role in supporting and leading the development of juvenile justice.The juvenile justice in China shows distinct Chinese characteristics in that it is closely related to criminal procedure at the present stage.To better adjust the interaction between the Criminal Procedure Law and juvenile justice,and to further promote the development and improvement of juvenile justice in China,it should be regarded as the basic stance of the fourth amendment to the Criminal Procedure Law to modify the part related to juveniles and deal with two integral issues.Firstly,legislators should learn from the general content of other minor-related legislations,add or adjust provisions in the special chapter in accordance with newly established rules in other laws,support the updated legal system concerning minors,and absorb the reasonable content of the existing judicial interpretations or normative documents so as to effectively coordinate with other minor-related legal norms.Secondly,legislators should reduce the restriction upon special procedures concerning minors imposed by the framework of the whole criminal proceedings and general procedures,and specify the rank between special rules for minors and general rules for adults,in order to straighten out the relationship between special procedure for minors and general procedure.In addition,the special procedures concerning juvenile victims should be founded,the diversion should be systemized,the sealing criminal records should be optimized and upgraded,and the basic content of procedures for affirmation of prosecution of serious violent crimes committed by minors of 12 to 14 years old should be specified in the revision.
作者 何挺 HE Ting(Supervisor at Law School,and Researcher at Juvenile Prosecution Research Center,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875)
出处 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第2期124-134,共11页 Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社科基金重点项目“中国特色未成年人司法基本原理研究”(22AFX012)的阶段性成果。
关键词 《刑事诉讼法》 修改 未成年人司法 专章模式 转处 Criminal Procedure Law amendments juvenile justice specialized chapter model diversion
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