

Rooting,Coordination and Symbiosis:Action Logic of Social Work Partici‐pating in Building Community Governance Community
摘要 社会工作作为基层治理的重要组成单元,在构建社区治理共同体的过程中发挥着重要作用。从社区治理共同体视域出发,构建“内生因素—治理环境—禀赋资源”的三维分析框架,考察武汉市Z社区精神康复服务项目后发现,社会工作以增权赋能与互助合作的实践策略促进了治理活动从工具理性向价值情感的进阶,加强了社区治理共同体的价值培育;以畅通协商、空间营造与引入督导的实践策略推动了治理主体由简单协作到有机联结的发展,优化了社区治理共同体的结构规范;以资源整合与品牌打造的实践策略实现了治理动能从碎片资源到体系资源的升级,保障了社区治理共同体的动力存续。社会工作遵循从“扎根”到“协调”至“共生”的行动逻辑,使社区治理活动从“活起来”“动起来”至“实起来”,阶段性地促成了社区价值共同体、结构共同体和资源共同体的构建,最终迈向“共建共治共享”的社区治理共同体的新格局。 Social work,increasingly recognized as a powerful and expanding force,as‐sumes an essential role in community governance,acting within parameters set by party and government officials.It commits itself to providing professional services,bridging diverse interests,resolving conflicts,and voicing community needs,aiming to navigate and mitigate the complex challenges of governance.These challenges in‐clude the fragmentation of communities,the isolation of individuals,and the weaken‐ing of organizational cohesion after transitioning away from a unified system.Through its proactive and engaged approach,social work endeavors to knit together the fabric of communities,fostering a sense of unity and cooperation that counters the forces of disintegration and separation.This effort is vital for the development of a cohesive and harmonious community governance structure,capable of addressing and overcoming the inherent challenges of modern society.However,challenges per‐sist due to the influences of a hierarchical system and grassroots bureaucratization,making these structural problems difficult to eliminate.In recent years,China’s so‐cial governance discourse has evolved,with clear objectives set for innovating social governance,enhancing governance levels,and improving governance methods.The construction of a social governance community not only represents an innovation in governance discourse with Chinese characteristics but also signifies a higher pursuit of social governance goals.As the foundational unit of social governance and the“last mile”of national governance,communities bear the complex and heavy tasks of governance during the transitional period.Constructing a community governance community not only harmonizes the community ecology but also advances the re‐finement of urban governance.Therefore,this study aims to construct a three dimensional analytical framework of“intrinsic factors-governance environment-endowed resources”from the perspective of building a community governance com‐munity.It views social work as a fundamental governance entity with autonomous action space and it conducts a systematic and empirical investigation into the action logic of social work in constructing a community governance community,compre‐hensively explaining the process mechanism of social work’s participation in local community governance.The study adopted a case study method and takes the Z com‐munity mental rehabilitation service project in Wuhan City as a typical research case.This project is a key service project for civil and mental health welfare in Wu‐han City,and in 2018,a third-party organization-Y Social Work Organization-was introduced as the core entity to participate in the construction of this project through government procurement.Under the leadership of Y social work institution,the Z community mental rehabilitation service project has served more than 3000 Z com‐munity mental rehabilitation patients since 2018,with 80 of them experiencing sig‐nificant improvement in their living conditions.The study intricately dissects how social work progressively orchestrates a symbiotic collaboration with various gover‐nance stakeholders.This strategic alliance unfolds through a nuanced,phased ap‐proach that meticulously integrates professional practices across the spectra of val‐ues,structural dynamics,and resource management.Such a systematic progression not only facilitates the flourishing of community mental health rehabilitation ser‐vices but also paves the way for the establishment of an efficacious governance framework at the community tier.This framework heralds a groundbreaking ad‐vancement in the domain of grassroots governance systems,marked by innovative practices and methodologies.The elucidated action logic unfolds in three pivotal stages,each characterized by distinct challenges and strategic responses:Firstly,Emotional Catalyst and Value Integration.The initial stage confronts the challenge of a palpable deficit in emotional engagement and momentum within early commu‐nity governance efforts.In response,social work intervenes with a suite of practices aimed at emotional support and empowerment.These approaches are designed to foster a sense of community among governance participants,creating a value-based communal ethos.By employing these soft,yet potent,behavioral strategies,social work secures a critical voice and active participation in grassroots public affairs,lay‐ing the foundational stone for value-based community governance.Secondly,Struc‐tural Harmonization and Conflict Resolution.Progressing to the second stage,the fo‐cus shifts towards navigating the complexities arising from the presence of frag‐mented governance actors and conflicting interests.Here,social work employs a stra‐tegic array of structured interventions to mediate and harmonize the relationships and interests among the disparate actors.This orchestrated effort aims to construct a cohesive governance structure,thereby addressing and mitigating the inherent dilemmas within community governance dynamics.Thirdly,Resource Synergy and Sus‐tainable Development:Acknowledging the paramount importance of sustainable community resources in the final stage,social work adopts innovative strategies cen‐tered on resource linkage and brand development.These three strategies are instru‐mental in forging a robust community governance resource network,essential for the long-term sustainability and effectiveness of governance initiatives.The systematic application of these strategies reflects a dynamic evolutionary trajectory in social work practice,moving from grounding and rooting efforts to coordinating interac‐tions and ultimately fostering a cohabiting governance ecosystem.This progression not only revitalizes community governance initiatives but also stimulates collective action,culminating in the emergence of a vibrant,co-constructed,co-governed,and shared community governance paradigm.This trans-formative approach embodies a novel blueprint for community governance,emphasizing inclusivity,collaboration,and shared responsibility,setting a new benchmark for grassroots governance excel‐lence.
作者 祁颖菲 时浩宇 洪佩 QI Yingfei;SHI Haoyu;HONG Pei
出处 《社会工作》 2024年第2期79-100,159-161,共25页 Journal of Social Work
基金 国家社科基金项目“共同富裕进程中县域乡村振兴研究”(项目编号:22VRC177) 国家社科基金青年项目“社会工作专业理实一体化人才培养模式构建与优化研究”(项目编号:23CSH072)。
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