

Standardization Construction of Villager Groups Led by Party Building:Empirical Analysis Based on Zhanjiang City
摘要 村民小组作为农村自治管理的最基本单元,是农村基层组织的基础,也是农村各项工作中的基层支撑力量,在乡村治理乃至整个国家治理中发挥着不可替代的作用。然而,由于主客观因素的影响,当前在推进村民小组规范化建设中,还存在着一些不容忽视的问题。对此,文章结合湛江市的实践,针对新形势新问题,提出要以党建引领为核心,重点从织密组织体系、强化法治建设、培养治理能力、健全选举制度、联动监督管理、发展集体经济六个方面探索规范村民小组运作,健全农村基层党组织领导下充满活力的村民自治机制,为新时代乡村全面振兴提供坚强政治保证和组织保证。 As the most basic unit of rural self-governance,the villager groups are the foundation of rural grassroots organizations.They are also the grassroots supporting force in all rural work,and play an irreplaceable role in rural governance and even in the governance of the whole country.However,due to the influence of subjective and objective factors,there are still some problems that cannot be ignored in promoting the standardization construction of villager groups.In view of the new situation and new problems,this paper takes the practice of Zhanjiang City as an example,and proposes to explore and standardize the operation of villager groups with the guidance of Party building as the core,focusing on six aspects,namely,organizing a rigorous organizational system,strengthening the construction of the rule of law,training governance capabilities,improving the election system,connecting supervision and management,and developing the collective economy.The aim is to improve the dynamic villagers'self-governance mechanism under the leadership of rural grassroots Party organizations,and provide a strong political and organizational guarantee for the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas in the new era.
作者 王均宁 WANG Junning(Teaching and Research Department of Party Building,Party School of the CPC Zhanjiang Municipal Committee,Zhanjiang 524088,China)
出处 《安徽乡村振兴研究》 2024年第2期9-17,共9页 ANHUI RURAL REVITALIZATION STUDIES
基金 2022年度湛江市哲学社会科学规划项目“乡村振兴视域下湛江乡村人才支撑问题研究”(ZJ22YB34) 2022年度湛江市乡村振兴研究院专项项目“优化党组织领导下的乡村治理体系,实现乡村善治路径研究”(SKXZ2323)。
关键词 村民小组 党建引领 村民小组长 规范化运作 乡村振兴 villager groups Party building guidance group leader of villagers standardized operation rural revitalization
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