

Investigation on Contamination of Shellfish Norovirus,Hepatitis A Virus,Rotavirus and Astrovirus in Coastal Area of Shandong Province
摘要 目的:为了解山东省沿海地区市场销售贝类肠道病毒污染情况,对贝类病毒污染进行初步风险排查和安全性分析。方法:采集山东省滨州、东营、威海、日照、烟台、潍坊共6个地市市场销售的贝类,包括牡蛎、贻贝、扇贝等7种,进行诺如病毒、甲肝病毒、轮状病毒和星状病毒实时荧光RT-PCR检测,并针对阳性样品的区域分布、种类分布、病毒分型和混合感染情况等进行分析。结果:GI型诺如病毒阳性率为3%,GII型诺如病毒阳性率为20%,其中东营、烟台和潍坊阳性率较高,烟台1份样品为GI/GII型诺如病毒合并感染;甲肝病毒、轮状病毒、星状病毒阳性率分别为4%、3%、3%,其中日照有2份合并感染样品,分别为甲肝/GII型诺如病毒合并感染、轮状/GII型诺如病毒合并感染。结论:山东沿海地市市场销售贝类存在肠道病毒感染的情况,尤以诺如病毒阳性率较高,且存在病毒合并感染。 OBJECTIVE To understand the pollution situation of shellfish enterovirus in coastal cities of Shandong Province,to conduct preliminary risk screening and safety analysis of shellfish virus.METHODS Commercial shellfish,including oysters,mussels and scallops,were collected from 6 prefecture-level cities of Binzhou,Dongying,Weihai,Rizhao,Yantai and Weifang in Shandong Province.Quantitative Real-time PCR detection was performed for norovirus,hepatitis A virus,rotavirus and astrovirus.The regional distribution,species distribution,virus genotyping and mixed infection of positive samples were analyzed.RESULTS The detection rate of GI norovirus was 3%,and the detection rate of GII norovirus was 20%.The positive rate was higher in Dongying,Yantai and Weifang.One sample from Yantai was co-infected with GI/GII norovirus.The detection rates of hepatitis A virus,rotavirus and astrovirus were 4%,3% and 3%,respectively.There were 2 cases of co-infection in Rizhao,which were hepatitis A,GII norovirus co-infection and rotavirus,or GII norovirus co-infection respectively.CONCLUSION Enterovirus infection is found in shellfish sold in coastal areas of Shandong Province,especially norovirus with high detection rate and virus co-infection.
作者 宋旭岩 叶兵 林滢 赵慧文 Song Xuyan;Ye Bing;Lin Ying;Zhao Huiwen(Qingdao Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Qingdao,Shandong,266000,China)
出处 《中国初级卫生保健》 2024年第5期65-68,共4页 Chinese Primary Health Care
关键词 贝类肠道病毒 诺如病毒 食源性疾病 shellfish enterovirus norovirus food-borne disease
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