

An Elucidation of“Heart and Heaven Must Be Two Aspects”in Xin Shi Wei Zhong in Tsinghua Bamboo Slips
摘要 天人之分是中国古代思想史的重要问题。清华简《心是谓中》“必心与天两”观念不否认“天”对人的限定,承认人的主观能动性会受到外在因素的制约,同时强调人的主体性地位,注重“心”对“度”的体认与践行,促使“心”的主观能动性由自在向自觉转进。这是上古三代以来固有理性精神在晚周天命观式微大背景下不断张扬的必然结果,是有一定社会基础的公共思想。晚周天人之分观念在《心是谓中》中表现出较为朴素的特征,郭店简《穷达以时》与荀子《天论》等则对其创造性发展。诸子或侧重于人事道德化,将道德自我圆满视为人生的根本追求;或强调“天”的客观性,将“心”的认知功能提升到“性”的新高度。晚周天人之分观念并非单一线性发展,而是呈现出分途并进、互相交叉的多重演进路向。 The distinction between heaven and human is an important issue in ancient Chinese intellectual history.The concept of“heart and heaven must be two aspects”in Xin Shi Wei Zhong of Tsinghua Bamboo Slips does not deny the restriction of heaven on people,and admits that human’s subjective initiative is not omnipotent,but will be restricted by various external factors.At the same time,this concept emphasizes the subjective status of human,paying attention to the recognition and practice of heart to“degree”,so that the subjective initiative of heart is transferred from freedom to consciousness.This concept is the inevitable result of the continuous promotion of the inherent rational spirit in the context of the decline of the concept of the mandate of heaven in the late Zhou Dynasty,and it is a public thought with a certain social foundation.The distinction between heaven and human in the late Zhou Dynasty is shown as simple in Xin Shi Wei Zhong.Then a creative development can be observed in Qiong Da Yi Shi in Guodian Bamboo Slips and Discource on Nature by Xunzi:either focusing on moralizing worldly events and regarding the moral self-perfection as the fundamental pursuit of life;or by emphasizing the objectivity of heaven and raising the cognitive function of heart to a new height of abstract.The concept of the distinction between heaven and human in the late Zhou Dynasty did not develop in a single linear manner,but in multiple evolutionary directions that went hand in hand and intersected with each other.
作者 刘子珍 Liu Zizhen
出处 《管子学刊》 2024年第2期99-110,共12页 GuanZi Journal
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“清华大学藏战国竹简的价值挖掘与传承传播研究”(20&ZD309)。
关键词 清华简 心是谓中 天人之分 穷达以时 荀子 Tsinghua Bamboo Slips Xin Shi Wei Zhong the distinction between heaven and human Qiong Da Yi Shi Xunzi
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