
近10a大方县暴雨时空分布特征及致灾性的研究 被引量:2

Spatial and Temporal Distribution Characteristics of Rainstorm and Its Disastrous Effect in Dafang County over the Past Decade
摘要 【目的】研究大方县暴雨及其灾害特征,提高当地暴雨预报服务能力,为地方政府防洪部署及地质灾害防治提供参考。【方法】利用大方县国家气象观测站和乡镇自动气象站2013—2022年逐日降水资料、灾情资料,结合大方县地形、河流分布特点,统计分析近10 a大方县暴雨时空分布特征及各乡镇暴雨、大暴雨的致灾特点。【结果】大方县年均暴雨日、大暴雨日分别为14.8 d、3 d,且有增加趋势,暴雨、大暴雨主要出现在5—9月,均呈单峰型分布,暴雨的峰值出现在6月,大暴雨的峰值出现在7月,最早暴雨初日为4月18日,最晚暴雨终日为10月5日。【结论】大方县暴雨及大暴雨主要出现在南部、西部及北部乡镇,中部出现暴雨的次数较少,其分布特征与地形和水域有着较好的对应关系,位于迎风坡或水域附近的乡镇出现暴雨的频次高于其他乡镇。从暴雨灾情分布来看,致灾性暴雨出现在6、7月居多,与暴雨日、大暴雨日的月分布趋势相同,乡镇暴雨致灾频率大多在10%~30%之间,分布特征不明显;大暴雨致灾频率较高,在南部、北部海拔落差大或位于河谷地带的乡镇致灾性在50%以上。 This study aims to investigate the characteristics of severe precipitation and its associated disasters in Dafang County to enhance the capability of forecasting local severe weather and provide references for strategy-making of local flood control and geological disaster prevention.Utilizing daily precipitation data and disaster information from the Dafang County National Meteorological Observatory and township automatic weather stations in 2013-2022,we analyze the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of rainstorms in Dafang County over the past decade and the disaster-causing characteristics of torrential rainfall and heavy rainstorms in each township based on the county's terrain and river distribution.The results indicate that Dafang County has 14.8 days of torrential rainfall and 3 days of heavy rainstorm annually on average,and the trend is on the rise.Torrential rainfall and heavy rainstorms primarily occur from May to September,both showing the distribution of a unimodal pattern.The peak of torrential rainfall often appears in June,and that of heavy rainstorms is in July.The earliest onset of torrential rain is recorded on April 18th,and the latest end of torrential rain is on October 5th.In summary,torrential rain and heavy rainstorms in Dafang County mainly occur in the southern,western,and northern townships,but less in the central region.Their distributions are well correlated with the terrain and water bodies.The townships located on windward slopes or near water bodies are prone to experience torrential rains more frequently than other villages and towns.In terms of heavy rain disasters,the most disastrous severe precipitation always appears in June and July,coinciding with the monthly distribution of torrential rain and heavy rainstorm days.The frequency of disaster caused by torrential rains in townships varies mostly between 10%and 30%,without significant distribution pattern.However,the frequency of disaster caused by heavy rainstorms is higher,particularly in townships in the southern and northern parts with significant altitude differences or located in valley areas,where the disaster rate exceeds 50%.
作者 衮毅 王志红 臧志刚 袁觅 张智森 胡妍妍 GUN Yi;WANG Zhihong;ZANG Zhigang;YUAN Mi;ZHANG Zhisen;HU Yanyan(Dafang Meteorological Station of Guizhou Province,Dafang 551600,China;Qixingguan Meteorological Station of Bijie City of Guizhou Province,Qixingguan 551799,China;Shibing Meteorological Station of Guizhou Province,Shibing 556200,China)
出处 《山地气象学报》 2024年第2期107-112,共6页 Journal of Mountain Meteorology
基金 贵州省气象局科研业务项目(黔气科登[2022]07-01号):大方县“三个叫应”服务标准阈值修订。
关键词 暴雨 时空分布特征 地形 流域 致灾性 rainstorm spatio-temporal distribution characteristics terrain watershed disastrous effect
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