

Americanism and the Roosevelt Administration s Policy on International Trusteeship System(1941-1945)
摘要 1941—1945年,国务卿赫尔领导下的美国国务院策划、讨论和起草了联合国托管制度的方案。在这一过程中,国务院日益偏离了总统罗斯福最初的路线构想,不仅主动大幅收缩了托管制度的适用范围,而且调整了托管制度的性质定位、权力结构和组织程序,深刻影响了联合国托管制度的走向。这一调整是国际压力与国内因素共同作用的结果,它精确地表达了二战后美国社会走向国际主义、承担全球责任的性质和限度。从根本上说,美国的托管制度方案是国务院从唯我独尊的美国主义出发,将民族自决和种族主义、门户开放与门罗主义、国际安全与国家安全、国际主义与孤立主义等各种矛盾调和起来的产物,本身就蕴含了失败的种子。 From 1941 to 1945,the U.S.Department of State planned,discussed,and drafted plans for a United Nations trusteeship system.In this process,the Department,under the leadership of Hull,increasingly deviated from the original line of President Roosevelt,not only actively reduced the scope of application of the trusteeship system,but also significantly adjusted the nature,power structure and organizational procedures of the trusteeship system,which profoundly affected the direction of the United Nations trusteeship system.This concession was not only the result of external pressures;domestic factors are also playing an extremely important role.It accurately expresses the nature and limits of the American society moving towards internationalism and taking on global responsibilities after World War II.Fundamentally,the US trusteeship scheme is the product of the State Department s egoistic Americanism,which reconciled the contradictions between national self-determination and racism,open doors and Monroe doctrine,international security and national security,internationalism and isolationism,and contains the seeds of failure.
作者 张愿 ZHANG Yuan(Wuhan University)
出处 《边界与海洋研究》 CSSCI 2024年第2期58-85,共28页 Journal of Boundary and Ocean Studies
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目“美国国际托管制度演变与战后世界领土处置失序的关系研究”(18YJC770043)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 国际托管 国务院 罗斯福政府 美国主义 International Trusteeship Roosevelt Administration the Department of State Americanism
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